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Hey everyone, the first of the month is here and that means two things! First off all I would like to thank everyone for all the support, we have quite the Ukulele community going over here and the fun changes we have made to the reward program have been great. I have enjoyed the rewards, in fact the 2 dollar you vote was so fun I think I am going to do that two times a month and not just one, and the 10 dollar advanced live lessons have been going great. I've even seen a couple videos on Instagram (@tenthumbspro) of people's originals that they created with the lessons! 

We also have the issue of overcharges that come up every month. I do my best to send everyone a message when they sign up, also the language is there when signing up for tenthumbs and in the rewards, but it always happens that some people miss it, and that is okay! I here to help my friends! If you were overcharged or paid even 1 dollar more than you intended to just send me a message at Patreon or an email to tenthumbsproductions@gmail.com and I will refund your money no questions asked before the 5th.

Okay everyone, thank you again February is going to full of some goodies! 


Margaert Shepherd

Hi Tyler if there is an issue with the reward capping system why not make the rewards just a straight $1 to $50pledge so if you choose say $5 that's all you pay .I support other artists and that's how they work .😊

Tyler Austenfeld

I have considered doing so, usually the only issues we have are with about 1 to 2 people a month. So it isn't really that big a deal, the other reason I don't go that route is because I produce a lot of content, much more than most people, and I want to give people a chance to support as much as they want in the way they want. It still might be change that we make in the future.

Tracey M

Tyler, how does the cap system work? I pay $1 per creation and am charged for all creations however there are times when certain music does not interest me. Does the cap let you select what creations you pay for?

Tyler Austenfeld

So there really isn't a way to pick and chose. If you are paying with no cap, average 8 dollars a month, I would suggest considering a one time 10 dollar donation and get access to the private lessons, or a one time donation of 5 dollars, set "creations supported" at 1 and enjoy some more benefits. I wish I could do a song by song system, maybe in the future that will be in option, but right now the challenge is just to make the most out of the platform we have. Let me know if that clears up your doubts or if you have any more questions.