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Time to take a D - G - A chord progression and make some magic! Take it slow, beat by beat, and work yourself up to Cat Stevens speed, and you'll be having a lot of fun with this great tune in no time. 

Will improve


Sus chords

Odd time signatures (5/4 and 2/4)


The Wind - Cat Stevens - Finger Picking Ukulele Tutorial

The Wind - Cat Stevens - Finger Picking Ukulele Tutorial Today we are going back to a fingerpicking master class with a song from the finger picking master himself, Mr. Cat Stevens, also known today as Yusuf Islam. This pattern is 100% correct, so once you really get grooving with it you get it up to speed and play along with the tune. The chorus can be a little tricky as it has one measure of 5/4 and another of 2/4 in class Cat Stevens defiance of conventional song writing rules, song writers you used to be so much cooler than today! Subscribe and learn, new Ukulele every Wednesday and Saturday.


Robie Sprouse

Don;'t know if I ever mentioned this before but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cat Stevens. If you ever do another Cat Stevens might I recommend Moonshadow? Thanks so much for this one man, this just gets me in all the right spots.

Tyler Austenfeld

In all our music chit-chats I don't think we ever talk about Cat. Of course Wild World is on the list, but Moonshadow is also a must do and my personal favorite If You Wanna Sing Out