Progress, fixing stuff I forgot to finish last update, and more (Patreon)
SO, some of you might have been wondering what that thing was at the bottom of the pred selector menu, in the update that got released I think it just opened an empty window that didn't do anything, that was because I broke it and forgot to fix it HA! I made it before I was using stardust and then I forgot to update it, here is is working as intended now, theres a bunch of empty space because stardust makes panels in scroll areas expand to fit things, once more preds are added to fill out the list, it'll look a bit better
So what is that? well its a menu for the predator selector itself, once more preds are added the radial menu may have too many objects to list so this menu is here to make that better, as you'll be able to choose what order the transformations are listed on the wheel, as well as if that transformation displays on the wheel, disabling does not mean getting rid of it, once its unlocked it will always appear in this menu to be enabled or disabled as desired
as for the vore NPCs, they are in their most basic state at the moment in the development build, tenants from my mod will have an invisible vehicle following them that prey will be put into upon triggering their vore actions, this allows me to make it compatible with the pred vehicle transformations for prey nesting purposes, if a tenant can be both pred and prey, and gets eaten, the pred will recognize the nested prey, I'll have better control than how SSVM handled it, no more being able to shoot guns while a tenant has eaten you
while our own new pred tenant system is still being worked on, I did make the script to overwrite the function SSVM pred tenants use to "eat" prey to make sure it takes Starbecue's prey options into account, should make sure people who don't like CV or UB and such get shoved in the balls or womb by accidentally interacting with a CV or UB pred, but this will have the great side effect of fixing the major issue of SSVM pred tenants trying to eat eachother and causing crashes, however thats as far as touching those NPCs will go, the new system is just going to be far too different to just, slot it in over the existing script, so the new features I make will only be for my own tenants