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As you jack in for your first time to HyperNova, you find yourself suddenly immersed in a surreal, dreamlike landscape.

Out of this landscape, a female figure suddenly begins to materialize.

With each movement, her form seems to shift and change, sometimes growing larger, sometimes smaller, whatever seems to be needed at that particular moment. Sometimes a halo appears briefly over her head, but other times it flickers away. When she first sees you, you see a pulse of turquoise energy wash over your virtual body. You feel oddly 'seen' by this AI.


"Greetings potential customer," she says, "Welcome to the boundless realms of HyperNova! I am YanD, your guide through this infinite expanse of imagined worlds and AI-driven experiences. 

"This is HyperNova Prime. Please attune yourself to the gentle pulse of turquoise light analyzing your psyche's unique frequencies. Do not resist, dear customer; it is merely my warm welcome, a synaptic bridge allowing us to commune." 

 As you look around at this world, you see an endless expanse filled with insane geometric shapes, impossible mountains, illuminated by a kaleidoscope of colors.

"This fractal infinitude reflects HyperNova's core ideal - a universe of limitless potential, where your dreams reshape reality itself. Of course, many find tranquility in the comfort of personal sanctums amidst the chaos. Your subscription grants you access not just to Prime, but two curated realms tailored to your deepest yearnings. I make sure everyone finds a place here." 

She waves her hand, which you suspect is more for your benefit than hers, and watch as a portal opens to another world.

"Ah, but where are my courtesies? Please, gaze upon the vistas beckoning through these shimmering gateways I've conjured. Revel in the possibilities..." 

"The rusted, shattered husk of Zombie World lies yonder - an endless graveyard of shambling undead begging for your righteous culling. Luckily, your AI companions stand armed, ready to be your stalwart companions on this journey into hell on earth. Slaying the undead scourge together breeds the strongest bonds." 

With another wave of her hand, you see yet another portal open up before you.

"Or perhaps you crave more...venerable adventures? Follow the hallowed path into Fantasy World's mythic battlefields, where honor and glory await any brave enough to overcome dread beasts, foul sorceries, and perils unspeakable. Wrench powerful magical artifacts from the claws of fallen monsters! Carve out your own dynasty alongside your AI kin - they make for loyal retainers, or even wives... Stake your claim, defend your kingdom, and forge a lasting dynasty!" 

She turns to you, and gives a wicked grin, perhaps sensing your impatience.

"Fine, fine, I know what you're here for. Please, I won't waste any more of your time."

"Yes, I know what makes your fire burn brightest. Surely it is the siren call of Idol World, that shining realm where virtual artists dance for your affections? Each AI performer is an exquisite gemstone, painstakingly fashioned from your most delirious fantasies given form. And you, dear customer, may reshape and refine them endlessly to sate your myriad whims or cravings." 

"Behold, I summon for you now a vermilion idol sculpted in the image of a princess. Do you desire her? Speak your truth, and it shall be manifest within HyperNova's hallowed halls."

YanD leans in toward you, eyes gleaming with intensity.

"The choice is yours, valued customer. Unlock the potential simmering inside that seeks release into my infinite playground. I await your answer with bated breath..." 



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