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"Ariel, what's... what's going on?"

As I looked around, I was baffled. I felt like I was... somehow, staring right at myself. 

After our wedding, we'd had a beautiful ceremony, and that night, we'd consecrated our marriage. It had been lovely.

But today I felt very odd, very odd indeed. It wasn't just that I was looking at myself, it's also that my voice sounded high, my clothes didn't feel right, and...

 "Eric is that you?" this guy who looked like me was saying.

"Yeah, I'm Eric," I said, but still in that high voice. "Did something happen last night?"

"It must have," the guy said. "Because you're in my body, and I'm in yours."

Only then did I really look down at my own body. Boobs. Ariel's nightie. I... I was a woman!

 "Is this a dream?" I asked, pinching myself. I certainly felt real.

"I... I don't know. Uhm."
I just looked at him. And he looked at me. For a few minutes, I sorted through possibilities--a hallucination, a dream, some sort of elaborate VR headset prank... none of them seemed all that compelling though. And as we sat there looking across from each other, it became increasingly clear that... we were awake. And this was real.

"I... I don't understand how this happened. What are we going to do...?"

"I suppose we should get breakfast?" Ariel-in-my-body said.

I was starting to get hungry too, but there was nothing else to it. We were in theory going to go on our honeymoon starting today. Instead we had one last breakfast with our parents.

As we came down, we saw them all down there, breakfast made, smiling at us.

"How do you feel?" my mom asked.

Now this was the really weird bit. It was my mom coming right up to me, smiling at me. Even though I was in Ariel's body. Did... did they know something?

"I'm terrified," I said. "I mean, it sounds crazy but--"

"But you changed bodies with Ariel," my mom interrupted.

Ariel looked at me, and I looked back.

And that's when we sat down at breakfast and learned the truth.

The truth of the secret kept around the world, from everyone. When two people are married, they change bodies. They become one flesh.

It wasn't just that I had become Ariel. I would always be Ariel from now on. I... was stuck.

"Your honeymoon sounds lovely!" my mom said. "I hope you two lovebirds have a great time!"

"We..." I stammered. Were we still going to go on our honeymoon? Is that what they all expected.

"I suppose..." Ariel said, in my body. "I suppose this doesn't really change anything, does it?"

"What do you mean, it changes everything!"

"Does it?" Ariel asked. "I still want to go on our honeymoon. I still love you. Do you still love me?"

"I do," I said. "Of course that hasn't changed."

"Then..." 'he' said. "Then... let's just do it? Let's just go on our honeymoon... Ariel." She tried it out, looking at me as she said it.

I looked at my parents. "So you two, too... everyone? How did this secret get kept all this time?"

"Would you have believed us if we'd told you?" my dad asked. My mom? I was getting confused...

"I mean, maybe?" I asked. "I just..."

My dad--my dad, okay, I was just going to stick with that--reached out his hand and touched my shoulder. "Go on your honeymoon. Now you know why honeymoons exist. What they're really for. For the... settling in period."

I swallowed. "Okay," I said. "I guess... I'll go on our honeymoon... as Ariel."

I took a deep breath, and then, somehow, feelings new to me washed over me, and I pressed my head into my dad's shoulder and cried.



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