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For health reasons I have to abstain from coding and computer screens for several months.  I hope on the other side of this I will have the opportunity to find a worthy conclusion to the story of Space Journey X.

Let me express my thanks to all my patrons! I enjoyed creating Princess and Space Journey with the great suggestions and support from all of you!

I do not want to just "go silent" as some creators might do.

For that reason all payments on Patreon and Subscribestar going forward (End December, End January) will be waived/not collected.
You can either remain onboard for some life sign of the project in your current tier (and keep Discord access) or switch to free to keep in loose contact.

Thanks again and hope to pick up with you all where I left in a few months from now!




Sad news but hope the best for you and hope to see you back to making games again soon.


Man I've to say that you're one of the most active dev out there. I can see how passionate you are about the project. Hope your health get better soon...


take care, and i hope we see you again.

L.P. Winston

If I could make a suggestion instead of waving all payments why not create a free proof of life tier on your various platforms and let people move to that while you're recovering/incommunicado which you can use to alert people of your triumphant return and those that still want to support you regardless of your postings can maintain their current levels as normal?


You've done amazing work so far, one of the top devs arpund for sure, take care of yourself, and keep us posted!


Happy holidays, happiness and health. Although I have a feeling next year is going to be full of bullshit. A shame, nothing lasts. Take care, thanks for your game. I hope you do return and finish it.


Thank you so much for your great work. Get well soon. Wich you all the best in the world. Have a great Holiday and God bless


Thank you for all the work you put into this. I can appreciate it more since my own health issued forced an early retirement. I do hope for your recovery and the best for you.

Mister Lonely

Your health is paramount and I'm glad you are taking steps to improve it. This is my first time supporting an adult game and it was entirely because of your engagement and receptiveness. You are a good Game Developer and I hope you are well whether it is doing this or something else.


good luck take care of yourself

Janos Toth

hi sory but i cant find the cloaking modul and cant continue my jorney can someon help ?


Krogneath sells them sometimes, or they can be bought at one of the advanced planets (Voron or the diseased world, forgot the name atm).


Your health comes first. I look forward to what you create when you're able, even if thats not Renpy, you've been an inspiration so far. Thank you