Gameplay Hint - Disciplining (Patreon)
As I am getting quite a few questions regarding the mini-game:
- Finishing twice in Zone I unlocks the crop
- Finishing twice in Zone II unlocks the plug
- Finish twice in Zone III and you get the achievement
- It is not necessary to max arousal for maximum effect (0.7 SUB = Zone III)
- To be in Zone III when you finish is enough
The plug is unlockable, but the 5-Combo with the plug cannot be used at the moment as MC's AP are not enough (that was an extension for V1.1, including new art...).
There is an appendix in the walkthrough which lists the combos. All three actors can be brought into Zone III with a combination of Combo3, Combo4, Single Action
In general the SUB training for the characters is now sth like
Disciplining a few times until no Progress Message - > Special SUB events (as usual) which increase SUB -> Disciplining has effect again -> ... etc.
I will expand Gameplay in V1.10 further in that regard.