Dev-Log 18th - Status V1.00 (Patreon)
today I completed code, dialogue and animations for a Seraphine and Khelara Renders / Anims. Originally wanted to be code complete today, but that will take until 20th.
Still need to do
- T'Ris training code and render out her anims and
- render out Kythera's anims
- fine tune the spanking game
and then I'm done.
Beta 22nd and VIP Release 25/26th still green if nothing major comes up.
Won't post any spoilers and have no extra time for wallpapers before the code complete date (will take some time for that once Beta is out).
Posted images are the Bot Upgrade Station in The Player Base Hangar (in the back). This will come in V1.10 and allow upgrading of generation of bot body parts (using new rare materials). The 3D objects and items I already included into V1.00.
So if you find some new material you never saw before in V1.0 it might be wise to put it aside in the pod and not sell it :)