Dev-Log 9th August - V0.9 Space Journey X (Patreon)
today I integrated the main quest of V0.9. It is your task to help the Vorons investigate a suspicious Krell Biolab and put an end to its nefarious activities. Screenshot shows you intercepting a Krell Convoy coming from that very Lab...
If you are successful, a Voron Cloaking Shield is in reach :)
This was by far the most voluminous quest, both in terms of renders (won't post spoilers yet...) as well as in terms of story complexity and side activities linked in.
After that I have to render and tie in two animations (Nimhe, Veronica) and add a public favour of T'Ris and then the code is done. Code freeze will be 11th or 12th, BETA 14th or 15th. VIP Early Access of V0.9 will start at 18th.