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today I integrated a new character into the Spacebar, Audra, Sergeant in the Iltari Space Guard. She will appear every other day in the bar after duty and might be willing to talk with you once you have rescued a few slaves...

She'll get some NSFW content in V0.90 in a side quest. Lilith The Infiltrator and Veronica, the bar girl, will feature in the main quest. That way all three side character winners will get some V0.90 NSFW content.

I'll add her to the V0.90DEV mechanics test version which I will compile after a few tests tomorrow.





there will be. i couldnt integrate them into the subsystems yet as there were designed for just one kind of slot element each

Ted Cogley

make a Bot that looks like her be awesome


Tarakian Bot Shell. That one is still missing. Could add that I guess :)