Dev-Log 28th June - Status V0.9 (Patreon)
today I completed rewrite of the entire uniform and public training code, which was incongruous at times.
Now the onboard training with both uniforms needs to be finished for T'Ris to be able to render public favours (uniform walks) outside. Changed the uniform registration cutscenes with some new renders and new scenes and rewrote the EXH training counters "under the hood".
The new system will be much easier to expand with more favours and uniforms in future.
Small story expansion for involvement of Audra, the Tarakian Space Patrol Officer (one favourite of the side character poll), also done (script, not art and code). Small spoiler: If you rescue enough slaves, she will look upon you more favourably :)
Regarding V0.8 EA2 there were some minor reports. Will probably fix them in V0.9 to not destabilize V0.80 last minute. Release date August 1 for Official V0.8 is green.