Dev-Log July 25th - V0.9DEV and V0.8 EA 2 (Patreon)
today I started reworking the - so far imho too unstructured - favour system and progression. In V0.9 there will now be Private Favours when the character is in her Cabin and Public Favours when the character is on duty.
I started with T'Ris and also will rewrite the uniform progression (EXH, SUB), station walks etc. for her (with some revised scenes).
Seraphine also got an update, as I forgot to add the Tiara to her Royal Highness. Updated all side images and redid the not good pose in her room as well while doing so (see screenshot). Waaaaay better now imho and fitting the character.
V0.8 Early Access II is running well. One PC hardware related issue popped up
right after release yesterday but it is patched already.