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today i finished the cantina interior for the Pirate Base.

It's not super gritty, but I added a red-light floor in the back. Also, I will add some shady characters. A Krell (the froglike guys), then Vigo, a bartender and for ambience, maybe a topless waitress...

I based it loosely on a Midjourney proposal for a space cantina (I liked the stairs in the background, the round bar concept and the blue/yellow color distribution.

Also added the Blender setup...

Not sure I should leave that 50.000 Cr bottle on the counter, though ;)




ezryder914 .

Looks like two 50.000 Cr bottles on the counter, but the one in the back looks empty (no glow). :)


Probably a corrupt official was there and ordered it ;)

Auburn Zero

If it's so clean...maybe add a janitor mopping/wiping stuff down in the background. If you want, such a person could even be a source of rumors or other information that he/she just happens to overhear from time to time...available for a price.