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here is a concept for the MC. 

Still not 100% sure, whether he should be a humanoid or something like a Ferengi. The latter would conceptually be too much like the Goblin, so I am leaning towards human.

Should be a cartoony 18 to 20-ish, somewhat hapless adventurer type (like Guybrush Threepwood, for those who know...) who stumbles into this adventure and has to make his fortune (while trying to find back home...).

Here's one first concept. Conceptually, he should be the Junior of the Crew, but still somehow in charge as he has something the others, more experienced (female) crew members depend upon.  Probably have to let the character settle for a month and then revisit and polish up.

Have already made up my mind how to call the game, but that will be revealed in December with some promo renders.

Let me know, what you think (MC alien or human...)




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