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here is the release of V0.5.1, which expands on events of V0.5. Meet a new character: Gwynn the Witch.

Release Notes:

  • The game _should_ be save game compatible with 0.5, but all save-data permutations could not be fully vetted.
  • If you want only to see new(er) content, you can select “Act II” at the start screen of a new game. This is recommended. 
  • The game has been beta tested, there is no known issue at this time
  • There's a gallery with achievements now, so this  might be a good reason to start a new playthrough and check, whether you've seen everything...
  • Belt inscription: It needs to be input _without_ the dash

Please do not share link to this Patreon version. 

Changes in V0.5.1a:

  • Issue "dancing girl costume issue not appearing" fixed 
  • Console mode active by default (SHIFT-O ingame)

Major Changes in V0.5.1

  • Irith: New cutscenes (hallway reward, belt opening, bath massage, pet walk, …)
  • Nyx: New cutscenes (tavern dancing, interaction with Gwynn)
  • Iliana: New cutscenes (toy usage)
  • Gwynn: New character & interactions
  • Portal: New portal location (The Archives, The Archives Vault)
  • Minigame: Belt lock picking
  • GUI: Gallery with screens to collect achievements etc.
  • New items
  • New tower location (The Attic)
  • Improved inventory
  • Some bug fixes and graphical updates / re-renders
  • Rebalancing (Nyx loot improved by level, …)


Bug Reports:

Known Issues:
When resuming from an old V0.5 savegame, the gallery won’t update with “old” achievements & gallery events

Change Log

  • V0.5.1 / CR-0182 / Art / Redo stables scene (lighting)
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0183 / Art / Update model Nyx / physique
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0194 / Art / Rerender Title screen
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0178 / Doc / Straighten out Portal defense / questlog entries
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0053 / Gameplay / Hallway reward / animation after 500+ delivered
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0138 / Gameplay / Indicate SLU cap when mini game cap has been reached (MG: dance, pet…)
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0157 / Gameplay / Brothel visit for Irith - Part I
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0158 / Gameplay / Gifting system: Extend to Nyx
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0173 / Gameplay / Accessible location “Attic”
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0193 / Gameplay / Display tally of wins vs losses in portal game
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0188 / Minigame / Belt lock picking
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0189 / Minigame / “The Archives” dungeon map level for magical research, items, mobs, …
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0077 / Story / Bath massage event MC
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0086 / Story / Gallery for achievements etc.
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0144 / Story / Illiana: Toy training options (incl. item forwarding)
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0174 / Story / Interaction with Gwynn, Introduction of character, quest core data (extension)
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0175 / Story / Interaction Nyx / Gwynn (bonus scene)
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0184 / Story / Irith Belt Removal - Part I + II
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0185 / Story / Dancer training Nyx
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0187 / SW Design / Rewrite onscreen inventory display (scrollable viewports, ‘unlimited’ items)
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0190 / SW Design / Rewrite dungeon module to allow for dynamic initialization of  new levels


  • V0.5.1 / CR-0152 / Bug / Game over does not trigger, when portal energy reaches zero
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0196 / Bug / Portal recharge does not work, “Use Item” is not accepted
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0200 / Bug / Crash during Nyx & Irith bathroom dialogue
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0201 / Bug / Crafting Bug when crafting Ero Novel & Rolling back (Grid issue)
  • V0.5.1 / CR-0202 / Bug / Crafting Bug when using chest (Grid issue) - Fixed with CR-201




Im having problems with the belt inscription, every thing i input just goes back as nope try again


No dash, see this post for info: https://www.patreon.com/posts/v0-5-1-early-70089972


Very nice! But how do we get the bath scene? Is there a recipe for honey soap?


The bath massage is kind of easter-egg, so honey soap needs to be rando-rolled with the chest... In V0.6+ I will exchange the soap with glitter potions.


Hi, how do I check the belt inscription? And where do I get the black wood?


To check the belt use a lockpick in her room. To get the ebony wood upgrade lower grade woods (10x) with the chest.

Olly Mars

Quick one. How do I combine the scroll fragments for Gwynn?


Stack multiples of 10 in the magic chest and convert (same as for building materials). Forgot to put that into the lore lookup screen.

Olly Mars

Thank you! I can't believe I never realised you could just put items into the chest without adding gems! D'oh! Sadly, I have another issue now: after entering the second combination for Irith's belt the Open button isn't working. Clicking on it does nothing and I have to just exit the attempt :(


What is the order for the lockpikcing + crystals? I forgot it and I can't find which crystals I need for the minigame


Hmm, there is no issue with that part of the code. combo 1 is blue blue purple orange, combo 2 is green, purple, blue, orange


combo 1 is blue blue purple orange, combo 2 is green, purple, blue, orange