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today I started the code base for V1.40 by porting all 1.30 fixes and Early Access changes back to the main code path.

I'll assess all collected CRQ in the next days. V1.40 will have the (main) ending, so I might need to wrap up quite a few things. There will probably quite a bit more NSFW content as in the releases so far to get all cleared up.

Tentative plan is to have a DEV version for Beta Testers out in May, which contains the new Waystation system and its content and the BETA and Early Access Version(s) in June. More detailed planning when I am a few weeks into development.

On a V1.30.15 side note: There were two minor glitches in V1.30 endgame content (vaultiship stacked rewards sometimes not completely registering and NX010 Bailout not transporting you back to Xenos), for which I will post the patches later today.




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