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Hello everyone!
Sorry everything is behind this month. I'm likely going to pause for a month to catch up.

I started taking a new medication (which is an antidepressant), and it's been a bit challenging to adjust to it. I'm feeling a lot better now though, so I'll do my best to catch up with things. 

Thanks for being so patient. ^^



Honestly never mind hearing about bumps when it comes to going on new medication or re-taking medication (I'm just now taking my ADHD meds again after three months of no school and it's hitting me hard). Hope you can get through it all right! If your last pieces of art are anything to go by, you're still doing awesome!


Don't worry take the time you need. Your physical & mental health should always be your first priority. Adjusting to med's is rough & can take time, so don't worry about us Socks. I hope you feel better & get the right mix for yourself.