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"Dude! I knew the witch likes to drain age, but she almost never drains this much! She must have been in a really bad mood!"

"...change you back? There's no way, man! Don't you know the second part of the curse? By the time we all wake up tomorrow, you'll be the only person who remembers that you're not actually a baby!"

"Yeah, not a single person will remember but you! And I hear that no matter what you do or say, no one will believe you when you say you're grown up!"

"Dude, where'd you hear that?"

"From that weird toddler kid down the road."

"That kid's always making stuff up."

"Yeah, can't believe a word he says."

"But yeah...I guess we won't see you around as much anymore. Don't worry though, maybe we can come and babysit you sometime!"






Gee what I do to get under this old crow's skin anyway lol? And she could have at least put me in a costume...