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-Payments paused for November

-Disbanding $15 and $40 tiers due to not being able to keep up

    -Will be finishing up owed rewards this month

-Will still be posting work available to view for the $1 and $3 tiers


Hello everyone!

First and foremost, thank you to each and every one of you for your support. It means the world to me that you all find my art enjoyable. I immensely enjoy making it. But as you all have probably noticed, updates have become more and more scarce, and its become the norm for me to pause payments to catch up each month. Of course, there have often been quite a series of extenuating circumstances(^^;); but the plain and simple problem is that I just can't keep up.

You guys have been beyond understanding and patient in allotting me more time to work when this would occur. However, becoming reliant on that understanding and patience is not something that should be factored in to the business model, and unfortunately, that's exactly what's happened here. I apologize deeply for allowing it to get to that point.

Between my extensive(and often subject to change) work and school schedule, I am unable to properly manage the workload that comes from the $15 and $40 Patreon tiers. Thus, moving forward, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disable both of these tiers for the foreseeable future, or at least until I have a more manageable schedule.

For those in the $15 and $40 tier:

Firstly, for those of you still waiting on rewards, I'm very sorry about the wait. I WILL be finishing those and posting them as soon as I am able! 

I will be removing both tiers from Patreon soon, but I'm not able to adjust the amount pledged on my end, so that will need to be done by you manually. I will contact each of you individually about either switching into the lower tiers or cancelling your pledge.

For those in the $1 and $3 tiers:

I'm sure you're thinking "what does this mean for me?" Don't worry, I will still be uploading Age Regression themed work onto here. It will probably be a mix of commissioned work as well as personal pieces. Like before, sketches and colored sketches will be viewable by $1 pledges, and full illustrations, comics, animations, etc. will be viewable by $3+ pledges.

I will try to post content similar to what I plan to post moving forward throughout the month of November, so hopefully that will give you an idea of what to expect and whether or not you wish to continue your pledge or if it's not currently what you're looking for. :)

To give time for people to adjust their pledges and to get a feel for the direction this patreon will be going, payments will be paused for the upcoming billing cycle.

Again, thank you all for your continues support. If you have any questions/concerns/opinions about the changes, please feel free to contact me at any time! 

Thank you all again!!^^



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