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"I told him there was a growth ray. Can you believe he fell for it!? I'll let him enjoy himself for a bit before I break the news to him..."

"What? Should you keep going? Sure! You can always just change back afterall!~"

A bit of human AR~




what did he think would happen when he aimed a gun at his head lol


And as the gun drops from his fingers, his hands too small to hold it now, the new baby looks up at them proudly, expecting them to point the gun at him and change him back. instead he hears one say to the other "Are you sure the gun didn't shrink his IQ as well? He looks like he still thinks we have a growth gun." "Ah don't worry about it" The other person says, lifting the baby up by the armpits. "He's gonna have a looong time growing up to learn better."