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I'm currently thinking about working with artificial intelligence for comics. Some of the concepts it generates are just incredible. It can help me a lot with ideas and simple backgrounds. I'm also looking into the possibility of working on a scenario with AI chat and translation. (Yes, I'm tired of looking for people)

What do you think about this kind of implementation? I know it's not for everyone, but I found it as a powerful enough tool for creating a comic book




backgrounds seems the perfect use for ai. Try and dont tell anyone


Thought I'd chime in here; being both an engineer and artist, I've thought a lot about tools to improve the production time and value of producing the art I want to make. I think used properly, AI and CGI can provide a huge boost to an illustrator's productivity. Like you said, this is an ideal area for AI to handle translations for you, then just get a fluent speaker to proof-read them. Likewise, for backgrounds, mock them up with 3D blocks in CGI, or have AI provide suggestions. One thing that's starting to get easier is the idea of training an AI with your own art style, based on your own artwork, then use public knowledge of shapes and form to apply your style to say, a mountain or house in the background. It then renders a generic mountain, but applies your artistic methods and 'look' to it. As long as you're good with reviewing and cleaning up the results, it should provide a big savings in time to render/fill in non-critical parts. Think of it as having an intern/assistant to do basic work that doesn't require a ton of skill, just puts in effort to follow instructions. As long as you coach and mentor it, then thoroughly review and correct the output, it would work out. It might even just provide layers for you to paint on top of. That in itself could be a big time saver.


Not sure which of the available AIs are ethical yet. Meaning which of the art ones aren't using stolen art to train the AI with, and which of the text ones aren't using poor people to clean up text prompts. So research a bit before diving into any specific model. Might be ok at that point. AI as a whole seems pretty terrifying. But if artists can utilize it as a tool to help, and not something to replace artists with, then that can be great.


That's why the focus on using AIs trained in just your own art style. The subject material would be off photos of real things (and making sure that training set is 'clean' is indeed an ethics issue), but what most people are doing now is training those AIs off other people's art, without permission. What I was referring to is pretty different, and it's the direction bigger companies like Adobe and whatnot are going. The last thing they want is to piss off artists (their clients) even more. Also, surprisingly, it doesn't take a lot of images to train it in your artistic style. In the range of a few dozen. Small enough even new artists should have enough material.