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A little about the last two weeks

I had two wisdom teeth pulled out and one of them was in bad condition, now I am taking antibiotics and it is very painful. It's funny that all my friends say that they didn't even feel the dental surgery, while I haven't been able to chew for three days now :(

Between operations, a nerve in my back was pinched and I was immobilized for several days.

BUT during this time I updated some computer parts and a graphics tablet, now it will be much easier and faster to work with animation. However, there is much more good news, I pass tests well in language courses.

If nothing unexpected happens, the next tooth extraction operation will be in a month.

I hope you have less sudden stress now, it really interferes 🌉



Theo Truesdell

Oh man I had all 4 done a few weeks ago T_T best of luck on your recovery!! I managed to have pretty painless extraction, what hurt for me was all my teeth moving after they had the new room 😔