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Hi guys! I am super close, a couple delays in real life. Wife is pregnant (but she's been supporting my work on this as it's been a lot of fun) and I'm in the process of suing someone which has been expensive, time consuming and awful. However I've still gotten a ton done and I'm almost ready for another release. Wanted to show you guys what I've been working on for this past week. 

  • rewrite all normal enemy sex scenes (charm)
  • rewrite all normal enemy fight scenes
  • Create new maps: city, forest1, 2, 3 and forest dungeon (forest 1 complete, 2 and 3 partially coded)
  • Create a new battle system, implement it
  • fix buggy battle system
  • fix damage counter for charm
  • added battle finish scene for every enemy and attack type (never again! went a bit overboard making 3 seperate scenes for each type of attack and started getting burnt out. Most people probably won't even see them all)
  • spend 2 days fixing it after it got buggy
  • rewrite brothel job interview
  • rewrite brothel job scenes (wasn't much to do here, I was actually relatively happy with these)
  • implement brothel scenes
  • add stats, and add a scene to give you a bit of choice in your stats at the beginning of the game
  • new tentacle trap scene written 
  • add different starts for female start
  • rewrite first dungeon boss scene (done but still needs to be coded back into the game)
  • fix arousal increase
  • add new stuff you can buy with cum; spells, elemental magic, energy, max arousal
  • write introduction scene to new character (specific to patrons)
  • New enemy (every game needs bandits!) fully written, including action and lewd scenes, and just got done coding all the lewd scenes about an hour ago.
    What I still need to do before I can release. In order from most difficult to easiest:
  • Finish Girl route rewrite (half done)
  • Finish Grill Route (man, In my personal life I've always been a horror writer. Writing humor is hard)
  • Finish implementing forest 2 and 3 maps, these are half done
  • add scenes to forest 2 and 3, add treasure, traps, etc
  • review and fix all npc headshots + full body images. Currently I'm using placeholders for most of these. 
  • Add patron "Pat" character. I've written his first scene, now still need to write and code his scene for subscribers
  • rewrite and implement alraune scene
  • rewrite and implement masturbation scene 
  • add scene complete variable to maps so you don't repeat scenes in the same spot
  • rewrite / edit dreams, implement them back into the game
  • level up passage, add tail, wings and horn back into the game
  • rewrite and implement bad end based on those if you don't have illusion magic/ clothes
  • rewrite and implement hunger and punishment scenes
  • bug test everything
  • I also hate the games name. But feel it might be too late to change it. What do you guys think?

    Lastly this: 
  • Outfits, character and lewd scenes art.
    A few months back I paid an artist I knew up front. She was to create art from the game, and I'd continue paying her as I worked on the game.  As of yet, she has yet to provide any art. I understand there's been delays due to her son getting sick and other things, but at this point I'm holding off but I have another artist friend who's been asking to take her place. I might go through with that. Until then I'll be making some generated art and heavily editing it in photoshop. 


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