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Hey everyone! Here's Taiga, a fan Original Character in the universe of Genshin Impact I had fun designing.

She is an elegant electro spear user from the Inazuma Nation. I'm not very versed in the Genshin lore (even though I grinded my way through AR50 the first few months), but I hope you can enjoy the character and it can nourish your imagination of what she could be or do!

Genshin characters tends to have a lot of gold pattern and design colors related to their element (red for pyro, light blue for cryo, blue for hydro, white grey and light brown for geo, blue-green for anemo and purple for electro), so I followed along the way for the design of Taiga. I tried to mix weapon, nation, element and also body attributes (hairstyle, size, ..) to create a unique blend that would make this character different from all the existing ones. The design here was pretty straightforward as I didn't go through multiple iterations, thumbnailing or such, it was mostly an exercise and I think it turned out fine for a first time.

In general, I love creating original characters. It's probably one of my favorite part of making art, to fabricate universes and characters that never existed. So expect more original content from time to time here!

Have a good weekend~



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