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Which of these S6 episodes are you most looking forward to seeing my reaction??



Can i vote for episode 4?


I mean, I am looking forward to all of these, and all of s6 in general. :D


Episode 7

Miles Macdonald

Definitely Ep. 7, but since it's not an option, ill go with Ep. 8


That's a tough call; I'm torn between all of them ... for different reasons. And also 4.


I'm going to go with 12 for reasons I can't explain without being a spoiler


I'm going with 10, but I'm pretty hyped about 11, and of course all the rest as well. But those two reactions of yours especially.


Episodes 10 and 11 are basically a tie for me but I picked Episode 10 because it made me cry.

Ana Decaprio

While episode 11 is my favorite of all of these, i think 8 & 10 will give you more FEELS. Really hard to choose btwn them, but i chose 8. Can't wait to see what you think!

Dave Ford

Out of those? Probably 11. But otherwise - most of the ones you didn't list :-) - Ep. 4, 7, 8, 10 and 11 are the highlights of this season for me.

Steven Cooper

I picked episode 10, which is my favorite of the second half of the season, but I'm looking forward to all of them.


I would also liked to have been able to vote for 7, but... Torn between 8 and 10. Both are great, and 8 might be a bit underrated. I went with 10 because of reasons i can't talk about because they might be itsy bitsy spoilerish.


SAME. I didn't expect it to, at all, and people sometimes get confused when I tell them, but yeah. Ep 10 made me cry as well.

Michael Morand (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-23 23:27:18 In case you didn't already know there was a short break between episodes 7 & 8. I feel like you're going to enjoy episode 10 the most. :)
2017-04-28 01:09:52 In case you didn't already know there was a short break between episodes 7 & 8. I feel like you're going to enjoy episode 10 the most. :)

In case you didn't already know there was a short break between episodes 7 & 8. I feel like you're going to enjoy episode 10 the most. :)

Janel Rodriguez

Oooh. I voted for 8, but I also think 10. For totally different reasons which will become clear to you once you've seen both.