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Secret Invasion 1x01 Full Reaction

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This show has quite an uphill climb in one specific way: after departing so strongly from the comics' portrayal of the Skrulls in Captain Marvel, adapting the Secret Invasion storyline at this point inevitably is going to feel on some level like it's carrying the message "Immigrant refugees are evil and just want to take over your country, no matter how sympathetic they might seem at first." And so far, the show unfortunately doesn't seem to be doing much to counter that impression beyond having Talos as "one of the good ones." And since that comes along with fridging his wife, I don't see it helping much. There's definitely plenty of good stuff here too, and I really hope it can overcome those issues.


Yeah, I’m behind on the MCU films myself. The last one I saw being Quantumania, before that the newer Doctor Strange movie, thus, Jess, you and I will likely be on the same page of missing Easter eggs, if any. You mention about rewatching Captain Marvel made me realize it’s been four years since I saw it, and I only saw it once. Not to say it was bad, just that I only caught it once. Like you said, I enjoyed it, thought it was fine. Not the greatest Marvel movie ever, no, still it was enjoyable. Concerning Secret Invasion, definitely, a solid first episode. I laughed a touch too hard at the first scene, thinking, “This guy has seen that Pepe Silvia scene WAY too many times.” It’s great to see Samuel L. Jackson getting a more prominent spotlight as Fury. So far, Sam’s bringing a great world-weary energy to Fury. Great to see more of Ben Mendelsohn as Talos. I knew and was most excited to see dear Olivia Colman in this. I’m told Sam was delighted as apparently, he’s a big Broadchurch fan. Olivia is lovely in her appearance thus far. Not surprising, Olivia is always lovely and beautiful in anything she’s in. I also knew that Emilia Clarke was in this, and I knew in advance that she would be Talos’s daughter, G’iah. Even if I didn’t know that in advance, I had a similar thought process that you had. You mention the age difference and how it may not apply given Skrull’s ageing being different. That crossed my mind that Emilia’s my brother’s age, which would mean she’s not quite twenty years younger than Ben. Which is where the Skrull’s different ageing, combined with like you say, the Skrulls can do anything with their appearance got me back to thinking she was playing Talos’s daughter. So, no, you are not dumb, Jess, you’re just like me with a brain that goes into overdrive a fair amount. Rather unfortunate for Talos that G’iah has thrown her lot in with a villainous lot. It appears her time working for a Sith Lord as well as trying to dethrone certain other Sith Lords has taken a toll on her. I would say she’s fallen far from her heroic Targaryen roots, but then again, the Targaryens aren’t exactly the heroic types given their tyrannical nature. On the other hand, learning of her mother’s death seems to be starting the ball rolling on making her reconsider one or two things. Or perhaps not. Either way, the initial set-up of her arc in this show does seem intriguing if nothing else. Now onto the ending of the episode. I was sorry to see Maria get killed as I have enjoyed Cobie Smulders in the role. I felt worse seeing your reaction and hearing the anger in your voice. That broke my heart some. You can tell Fury is thinking, “I will avenge you!” Like I said, solid start to the show, a great first reaction, and I look forward to continuing to share it with you, Jess.


I’m still on the assumption that Fury faked her death as a long game, just like he did himself in Winter Soldier.

Jenny Chalek

If you love Olivia Colman, have you seen The Favourite? Where she plays Queen Anne (the movie that won her an oscar). If not, you ought to try to catch it.


You didn't seem to recognize Richard Dormer as Prescod. He was Beric Dondarrion in Game of Thrones (and seeing as he's in the opening credits, probably not dead).


[SPOILER for Episode 1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It´s kinda sad that Maria Hill got fridged... But I guess we needed that emotional hook by killing of an established character... When that happened I thought "Maria Hill, more like Maria Kill!" ^^