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Fear the Walking Dead 8x01 Full Reaction

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I Sooo badly want to watch this! I've seen right up to the end of season 7 & as I don't sub to any streaming services, I'm betting it will take an age before it comes out over here is the UK on DVD! Much as I'd love to watch your reaction to this, I don't want spoilers lol!


“What in the world, indeed!” indeed. Yes, I would say a solid season opener. It was great how they convey how much time has passed in snippets prior to revealing exactly how long it’s been. You mentioned how the show wouldn’t bring Madison back just to kill her, I quipped, “Would be bold if they did, and I'd give them credit for the tenacity.” I knew you would not appreciate the needles; I didn’t appreciate them either. I also didn’t appreciate the image of Madison’s arm following the multiple visits with the needles; brought one or two unpleasant memories to mind. It was a great part of your reaction how you surmised the one twist, second guessed yourself, and then you were proven right. It is difficult the situation with Morgan. I find I can’t entirely support the decision he made, yet I can’t fully condemn it either. I have no children of my own, thus I can’t judge too harshly. I can see that fear of not being able to protect his child was perhaps the primary motivating factor. I can’t say I wouldn’t feel the same. I’d be terrified of being unable to raise children under normal circumstances, raising children in a world like in The Walking Dead would increase the fear significantly. Kind of like Alpha in the episode of Tales where she was prepared to kill Lydia and then herself because she broke and genuinely couldn’t see any alternative prior to the Whisperers discovering them. I think Morgan and Grace perhaps reached a similar breaking point and felt that PADRE was the safest/best course of action for Mo. Maybe. I assume we’ll dive more into it as we go. As to PADRE itself, it bodes most ominous. Very much like the Jedi Order without any moral compass. I would say like the Sith, but one, I do not wish to besmirch my dear beloved Sith like that, and two, say what you will about the tenants of the Dark Side of the Force, at least it’s an ethos. That hurt the moment when Grace said that getting to see Mo again makes it harder to give her up again. One thing for sure, it seems like Mo is looking to fuck shit up. Like I said, a solid season opener. As to the update you provided about your surgery, I'm glad to hear the update. I hope the recovery continues to go well. Thanks for the reaction, Jess, take care.

Josef Schiltz

Hey! I hope the recovery continues. Glad to hear that it went well. Catch you later!