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Classic Who - "The Sun Makers" Part 1/2 Full Reaction

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The really funny thing about this one is that Robert Holmes was super right wing and a Thatcher supporter, and meant this story to be about how the high taxes of James Callaghan's Labour government were evil. But watching now, it comes off much more as a left wing message about how lower class people unfairly have a much higher tax burden than big corporations.


Concerning how you said that you’ve been enjoying the episodes and stories of the season more than their reputation would suggest, like you mentioned, sometimes expectation and/or reputation can sometimes have an interesting effect on one’s own enjoyment. You recently experienced that with the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man films in that you enjoyed them far more than the general word of mouth would have led you to believe. I, myself, went through that with the second and third Matrix films, and the second and third films of the Omen trilogy. People told me not to bother with them, that they were terrible. I saw them and loved them. We like what we like. Concerning what you discussed at the end, first, I appreciated everything you said, Jess. Well, appreciate may not be the best word. Perhaps a better way to say it is that I had no objection to what you had to say. And I honestly don’t mind if you wish to be vague when you discuss things of a personal nature. If you feel comfortable enough to share specifics of something, I, and I'm sure others would be willing to listen and offer support if we can. If you don’t wish to be specific about what you discuss, that’s fine. I won’t pry, and I'm more than willing to lend a supportive ear if that’s all you need. Thanks for the reaction, Jess.