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Classic Who "Image of the Fendahl" Parts 3&4 Reaction

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Louise Jameson improvised the kiss on the cheek, so that's a genuine reaction from the other actor. Also, you probably noticed her regular hair is back for the final scene, because filming this one took long enough that her hair had fully grown back by the time that ending was shot.

Josef Schiltz

The Doctor: "Ingredients: One kilo black radishes; three white hens; one head of garlic; four kilos honey; one mirror; two calf’s livers; one brick; two clothespins; one whalebone corset; two false moustaches; two hats of your choice." "Pluck the hens, carefully setting aside the feathers. Boil in two quarts of unsalted distilled water or rainwater, along with the peeled, crushed garlic. Simmer on a low fire. While simmering, position the bed northwest to southeast and let it rest by an open window. After half an hour, close the window and place the red brick under the left leg at the head of the bed, which must face northwest, and let it rest." "While the bed rests, grate the black radishes directly over the consommé, taking special care to allow your hands to absorb the steam. Mix well and simmer. With a spatula, spread the four kilos of honey on the bedsheets, sprinkle the chicken feathers on the honey-smeared sheets. Now, make the bed carefully" Martha: -wakes with a start - "'Ere! That b'ain't a recipe for any fruitcake as I've ever 'eard!" The Doctor: "No! It's one of Remedios Varo's recipes for naughty dreams! . . . I had hoped it would come in useful one day!" Martha: "Does it work?" The Doctor: "You know, I couldn't tell you! Maybe I'd better pop back and ask her?"


Thanks for another great reaction. This story wasn't a favourite of mine when I first saw it but the more I watch it, the more it grows on me. I often have a think about who the most powerful adversaries in Doctor Who are and I think The Fendahl is potentially up there. The notion of a virtually indestructable gestalt creature which evolved from death and feeds on the energy of life itself with the added ability to posess and mind control, I think, is a pretty terrifying concept. The Fendahl does feature in a number of audio books and novels but never made a return to the show proper. I think the second two parts is the better half of this story. See you next time!

David Vandervliet

Mrs. Tyler is my favorite one off character of this season, maybe even the entire 4th Dr era up to this point. I have also been known to use the "remember 3 "whatevers" (using the wrong number of fingers gesture, and no one ever gets it LOL. Big Finish actually managed a fulfilling sequel story with the 8th Doctor a few years ago

Anonymous Goanna

Alien slugs, of course the old woman gets it and salt is the answer always has been. Lucky they are slugs not daleks or Sutek or Mandragera.

Darryl Gillikin

It has long been my headcannon that Grandma, Jack, and Pete Tyler are all related. :-)

Darryl Gillikin

And the "industrial relations problem" line is one of my favorites in the entire 60 years of the show. :-)


Only just watch this and was just about to say the 'Industrial relations problem' line is my all time favourite Doctor Who line. I've always wanted to be able to quote it real life but I don't want to be held at gun point by a mad man so I'm happy to give it a miss.


Adam Colby is one of the characters I always worry about as to what happens next for them. There are a couple more in the next couple of seasons who are more or less left on their own after a fantastic adventure with the Doctor, don't appear to have anyone and certainly can't talk about their experiences and I always feel sorry for them. Colby has a different problem because ok he has the Tyler's but he is the only surviving scientist, how does he explain what happen? Anyway I suppose we're expected to think they all lived happily ever after.