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Supernatural 7x20 Full Reaction

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Charlie was quite a controversial character at the time, as quite a few fans got irritated at the constant "No seriously, she's into ladies!" dialogue. But she's become more popular as the years go on and more and more casual non-hetero characters show up, and the general consensus now is that this kind of writing was an unfortunate necessity at the time to get where we are now.


Wasn't controversial for most of the fangirls I knew - she was quantum leaps better than Becky.


Honestly I loved Charlie from the start, because of the nerd stuff :D


IDK why people are spoiling the character returns, but I´m trying to act as if the latest episode was really the latest episode of the show when it comes to talking about details ^^


Glad to see this was an episode you quite enjoyed. I like the fact that you were quite taken with Charlie. Quite nice that she is a nerd and quite proud of the fact. She brings to mind a particular Star Wars character that is quite beloved amongst Star Wars fans such as myself. If memory serves, Charlie predates the aforementioned Star Wars character by a few years. I got a kick out of your seeing the 3PO figurine; a most effective strategy to get you to love a character, that’s for goddamn sure. That tattoo she described sounds interesting. Your reaction to that was great. One significant strike against her is the slander towards Ron. I'm with you on not tolerating that. Not on your couch, not on my couch and/or comfy chair, not anywhere. I heard Charlie begin to assassinate Ron’s character, I rolled my eyes, and said, “Really? We're doing this horseshit again? Jesus Christ.” You ask us not to tell you if we’ll see Charlie again. I honestly don’t know either way. I would assume the likelihood that we will is somewhat probable given how she feels very much like a character who after one guest spot, the fans fall head over heels, thus necessitating her return. Again, I don’t know one way or another. Concerning your query of the leviathans, I'm with you on the overall concept being terrifying, particularly they’re Soylent Green type plot. I suppose I could see fans perhaps not being the biggest fan of the presentation. In terms of villains, there are many villains I love and adore significantly more than the leviathans, there are also villains I'm less fond of than the leviathans. I mean, if people say that they don’t care for Dick in particular because he killed Bobby, to that I say, “I can understand that.” Yeah, it does cause quite a conundrum about Bobby. As you say, Sam sums it up well. Of course, I'm with Sam, Dean, Bobby, and especially you, Jess, in wanting to see Dick Roman die a terrible death. Though it’s not necessarily something one is supposed to see as a positive, yes, Bobby throwing Dick around like a rag doll is a most satisfying image that could be put on repeat. I am not opposed to Bobby getting medieval on Dick’s ass. Again, as you say, you know it’s not something one is supposed to be encouraging, but then again, you and I are Slytherins, Jess. We hold onto shit, or at least it’s my experience as a Slytherin that we are very big on Shakespearean vengeance that would make the Sith proud. Thank you for a most enjoyable Supernatural reaction, Jess.