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Star Wars Rebels 1x07/1x08 Full Reaction

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This was the first time we saw the Imperial flags that are one step removed from just being Swastikas. You know, in case anyone was confused about who the bad guys were.


We start with the Phantom being chased by TIE's after a mission, and Hera mentions the person who gave them the mission was called 'Fulcrum'. You have heard this name before. More later. The place Hera and Sabine pick the crates up, was the base used in season 7 of Clone Wars, where we meet The Bad Batch. You'd think the clones would have took the Rydonium with them after abandoning the base, but there we are. Hera and Sabine are great for sure. They all are imo, they all have strong stories. The fuel line issues that put Sabine and Hera in danger, were caused by Chopper's shenanigans! What a little pest! :D As for the music in this show, I think its the best music in all the animations. The series composer Kevin Kiner and his crew did the music for Clone Wars, Tales Of The Jedi and Bad Batch too, but Rebels for me is their magnum opus. There is a lot of the classic John Williams stuff in season 1, but after that Kiner brings in more of his own stuff, and some of it is tremendous; there is usually some great pieces in every episode. Haha poor Ezra getting snubbed straight from Sabine. He does try though! :D Typical of the Empire to search every Rodian, even when they aren't even the same colour as Tseebo! Love the jovial version of the Imperial March, so good. Its like they have that as their anthem. Kanan's hammy acting shouting "I LOVE IT!!!" gets me every time. :D All the times I've seen this show, and this episode, and I never realised, when Kanan says to Zeb to take out the Grand Inquisitor, I always thought Zeb misses his shot; he doesn't, but through the force the GI is able to sense it coming, and dodges. Cool. I actually like Minister Tua as well, she's over the top but likeable. Yep Ezra was born on the first Empire Day, the day Palpatine made his speech declaring the end of the Republic and the formation of the Empire. Thats got to suck. He does have a lot on his plate he needs to deal with, even before training to become a Jedi. Btw this makes Ezra almost to the day, the same age as Luke and Leia. Chopper flexing as he shoots down the troop carrier, love him! Kanan doing one of his amazing force jumps, he does them better than anyone else - its his thing! And the next two episodes are very good. This story is almost a three-parter.


It is quite nice to hear you say that you’ve had the most connection with Hera and Sabine thus far. Going into your reaction to this show, I was fine with any of them being your favorite, and it’s nice to hear that one or both of them could be your favorite of the group. I look forward to your final verdict. A situation where, yes, you can see both sides of the argument. Hera is privy to far more sensitive information and must be highly circumspect with how much she divulges. By the same token, Sabine is understandably frustrated by not being told more than she is given her past. I feel like I'd be a middle ground in that I'd understand the need for secrecy, yet part of me would not care for the lack of information as it indicates a lack of complete trust, understandable though it is. First occasion in the show where Fulcrum is brought up. It took a second when you said, “Chuck, stay in the car.” but when it clicked, I laughed, and said, “Oh, yeah. I forgot FULCRUM was the one villainous group in that show. Haha. That's good.” Sabine really wants to meet Fulcrum, and I'm saying, “She wants to know who Fulcrum is, and meet the man, yes, well, she’ll be in for a long wait on that one.” Sticky situation Hera and Sabine were in, and I liked how they got out of it. The second episode, yes, packs a rather grim punch. You bring up Andor. This show and Andor could be companion pieces as they’re very similar. Key differences being Andor is more blatantly marketed towards adults, and it has a much stronger John le Carré vibe to it. I got such a big kick out of the Pomp and Circumstance style presentation of The Imperial March. I’m with you on kind of loving Minister Tua. I'm also with you in that it is genuinely quite horrifying what Tseebo was subjected to. Now we’ve discovered that Ezra was born on the same day as the Empire. This means that Ezra and I have something in common in that regard. Our birthdays fall on galactic holidays. In my case, the galactic holiday being part of the other big sci-fi franchise that you’ve been reacting to and are almost done with, at least the original series, anyway. Incidentally, I've heard some fans have placed Empire Day somewhere before May the fourth, meaning it could conceivably fall on your birthday, Jess. I got a chuckle out of your Fire at Will joke. Never gets old. I LOVED your reaction to, as my parents called it, “The three worst words on tv: to be continued.” and when you said it wasn’t fair, I sounded like dear old Scar, and said, “Life’s not fair, is it?” Thank you for another most lovely reaction to Rebels, Jess.


Kevin Kiner’s music, like the shows themselves, I can’t settle on a favorite. Best I can do is highlight favorite themes and/or pieces from each show. In the case of Rebels, that’s not until the last episodes of season two, though there are standout pieces throughout the show. That is a highlight, Kanan selling the drunk patriotic dad routine.


I go back to the Jerry Seinfeld bit: "The worst is when you can sense the to be continued coming. 'Wait a minute, they can't do it. Timmy's still trapped in the cave, there's no way they can wrap this up in five minutes!'"


Haha. Yeah, I remember that Seinfeld bit. It is a good one.


I know the piece you mean, I have it ripped onto my pc along with many other pieces from Star Wars over the years, especially Kevin Kiner's stuff, as its more difficult to get. I actually slightly prefer the alternate version of that piece from that episode that was unaired. There are others with stories involving, Ezra, Zeb, Hera and Sabine in seasons 2 and 3 that are just fantastic. Hehe Kanan is the man!! :D


Ah Seinfeld. Used to watch that series through every couple of years. Not done it in ages. Perhaps once Mando is done and now that I've finished The Last Of Us and Bad Batch; I may give it a bash again, though I need to get back into Black Sails too before Ahsoka starts up, and potentially any other Star Wars (Visions especially) comes out.


It's aged astonishingly well compared to most other sitcoms of the time, largely because the four main characters are always ultimately the butt of the joke which helps any outdated values they state go down easier.


Yeah, it holds up well. I catch it in reruns when I can. My brother does the same. And in my brother’s case, the enjoyment is aided by the fact that George Costanza is my brother’s favorite character of all time.


The final season has some particularly standout moments, music-wise. I think my favorite music from Tales of the Jedi was in the third and final Count Dooku episode. Holding off on committing to favorite from Bad Batch until it’s all said and done, though it’s all been great as well.


Yeah, Kiner went full on Ennio Morricone in Tales, for the showdowns. And it was glorious! I actually really like the music thats played out in the Practice Makes Perfect episode, as its a solemn mixture of Ahsoka's Theme and the Clone theme, just because of the weight of the stories that have been told with them. And yes, season 4 especially in the second half of the season, has some superb stuff in it musically; one episode in particular is amazing. There has been some stellar Bad Batch stuff as well, a few great themes, and in some of the heavier episodes this season.


Oh there is definitely a strong case for George Costanza being the greatest sitcom character, thats for sure. "WORLDS ARE COLLIDING!!" :D

Jenny Chalek

I love that you love Hera and Sabine so much. They are my favorites, too.