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The Mandalorian 3x05 Full Reaction

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Zeb!!!!!! Can't believe we saw the big guy here; ah man that made me emotional! I'm delighted you recognised him Jess, especially after in your preamble mentioning starting Rebels! First time we've seen a live action Lasat! :D Haha, loved your disdain for Elia Kane! She's a pesky one alright. Loved this episode. Pirates versus Mandalorians, whats not to love! Loads of fun, and now the Mando's can resettle here on Navarro and help protect the world from any invaders. Should be a bit easier to train there too without having to run into giant monsters every two minutes! :D Like we are getting more of Kane infiltrating the New Republic, helping keep her true superiors one step ahead. Of course Gideon escaped, we saw that coming a mile off (plus his actor, the great Giancarlo Esposito kind of let slip he still has a part to play before all this aired). I wonder what Mandalorians could have helped him escape though? There is one clan I could think of, but unsure if thats where they are going with this; or if the Mandalorian's are being set up by the imperial remnants. Paz's speech was great. I was unsure which way he would go, though we have seen him become warmer to Din and Bo; and he shows them loyalty in gathering the troops to free Navarro. Perhaps he is a big softie underneath all that armour! The battle was so much fun. Seeing those rapscallion pirates shooting the place up, then getting taught a Mandalorian lesson. That nutcase surfing on the ship as it was crashing too, what a legend!! Gorian was a fun villain of the week, and his ship was great, with the side shots looking like broadsides from old Man O' War ships of the line. Bo-Katan able to take off her helmet and still be recognised as someone of The Watch, she can walk both paths uniquely. Can see her trying to reunite some of the other clans we have seen (and perhaps more familiar faces?), and perhaps bring them together with Din's group. Can see this culminating in a final fight between her and Gideon, and perhaps she'll tame the Mythosaur and truly become in the eyes of all, The Mandalore. Yes Din still has the Darksabre, but its just a symbol, it doesn't automatically mean the one wielding it has any power as in Din's case and elsewhere. Its all about actions, and Bo-Katan has been leader of Mandalore before, and is a natural leader, AND she knows how to wield the sabre; which tells us that she would be the rightful owner of it. However unlike before when she felt she needed it to solidify her position, thats not the case anymore with her experiences her.


“What an episode.” is right. Yeah, a most action-packed episode. I loved your concern and protectiveness of Navarro. Yeah, Paz Vizsla does have a flair for the dramatic. I loved your reaction to the turn that his speech took. I really liked how he made the point to highlight that despite the differences he’s had with Mando and Bo-Katan, they helped him save his boy. Favreau had a great delivery of the speech. It was great seeing Paz rock Ol’ Painless. Likewise, great to again see the Armorer throw down with the best of them. I agree with loving Greef. It is so great to continue to see Carl Weathers in the role and continue to see him gain newfound fans because of it. I enjoyed the mention of how the pirates shot first, leading to me going “Heh-heh.” And the Easter-egg of Bulloch Canyon was an especially nice touch. Initially, when the Armorer was waxing poetic about the forge, I said, “Is there a point? Or are you just brushing up on your small talk?” Thus, upon having Bo remove her helmet and giving Bo her task, I said, “That is indeed a point. Well done.” I kind of agree that it does seem a touch unfair given the hurdles Mando had to go through, even though you do understand the reasoning. There are some gaps about Bo’s story on my end as well. There is also the matter of Mando having the Darksaber. Of course, last I checked, it was my belief that the Emperor was the rightful owner of the Darksaber, and I don’t see either Mando or Bo defeating him in single combat, ever. Now onto the plotline of Captain Teva, which by the way, you mention how fans are dissatisfied with the third episode, I’m not, that was one of the best episodes of the show. First, you had pretty much the exact same reaction that I had upon seeing our old friend, Garazeb Orrelios, more commonly known as Zeb. I saw him, said, “Wait a... Wh... Is that... That’s Zeb? That voice, that’s Steve Blum. Am I seeing this right?” You said, “Well, now I know he makes it.” That was my assessment as well. I said something like, “Well, I guess now Jess knows that Zeb will be all right throughout Rebels; that he won’t die, he’ll just get very big boo-boos.” Nice to see Tim Meadows as Colonel Tuttle as well. I loved your saying that it’s your experience that Elia Kane is a shady bitch, to which I deadpanned, “Well, she is, but in my experience, she’s my kind of shady bitch. I quite like her.” I like how Teva is trying to dig deeper into what is going on, somewhat fruitless though his efforts will likely be. At least to a certain extent, anyway. The Beskar on the transport provides a wrinkle. All in all, a terrific reaction, Jess. Now I’m getting very excited as next week will be episode six, and in the past two seasons of The Mandalorian, the sixth episode was one of my favorites, if not my favorite. The way this episode ended suggests some grand things to come. And I've heard Bryce Dallas Howard is directing next week’s episode, and she is proving herself to be quite the skilled director, like her father before her. Add all that up, and it’s beginning to look like I'll have a particularly fantastic episode for my birthday. And afterwards, there will be what I foresee to be a most superb reaction from you, Jess. And I am going to enjoy all of it, very, very much. Thanks again for this week’s wonderful reaction, Jess. Can’t wait for next week.


My thought process when Zeb showed up: "Well, Jess is going to lose her mind over this one. But what exactly will it be? Just a headphone shattering scream? An 'Oh my god'? Nah, I think I'll go with 'Shut the fuck up.' Maybe with a bit of complaining about having his survival spoiled." So I was part right. And it's really amusing seeing all the different reactions to this scene, where most of them haven't watched Rebels in years and don't have Steve Blum's performance fresh in their minds like we all do at this point, so they struggle to figure out if it's actually him or just another Lasat. Also, the director of this episode is Peter Ramsey, who you might know from Rise of the Guardians and Into the Spider-Verse. This is his first time directing live action, and he definitely takes to it better than Dave Filoni his first couple times out.


Yeah, once it sunk in, it was emotional seeing Zeb. This episode was tons of fun. Honestly with Moff Gideon, I was under the impression over two years ago that we’d see him again in some capacity, and I think Giancarlo said around the same time that he would likely be returning provided it didn’t interfere with his having to play Gus and/or his character on The Boys. Yes, lovely to see more of Elia Kane and her schemes. I'd be fine with Mandalorians helping free Gideon or they’re being framed. Curious as to who helped him, though I've heard one or two ideas. I’d imagine with Paz, deep down, the man’s a lump of sugar. The whole battle was superb. The ideas you put forth about Bo-Katan do seem probable outcomes. Should be fun to see how it goes.


Well, even if I wasn’t recently going through Rebels again, Steve as Zeb is iconic enough to ingrained into my brain, but yes, the recent start of the journey again does have the benefit of it being fresher on my mind, thus helping me to realize we were in fact seeing Zeb in this show.


I'm just hoping it's more than just Gideon coming back. Because it really feels like they're building up to a huge reveal of who the main villain is, but at the same time they're basically just openly saying it's Gideon, and what the hell are we supposed to do with that?


Possibly Ryan you could be right, we may get a hint as to the true puppetmaster behind all this is. Perhaps in a final shot of the season we may see them. Planting some evidence to draw Mandalore into trouble with theNew Republic would be a Machiavellian thing to do, and one person we know of, is well capable of that. Question is, will we see him before the Ahsoka show?


I stopped the episode there and then and had to check the credits to confirm it! There are a couple of other Lasats it may have been, but they aren't really relevant, and the only other one was a Jedi Master killed in Order 66 (and they married Zeb's look up well with Jaro Tapal). Speaking of Fallen Order, the music in the bar where he shows up, is from that game. :D Just thinking, with seeing the BD droid in BoBF, and now the music from Fallen Order appearing; could we possibly see Cal Kestis? A lot would moan, but personally I think it would be great.

Jenny Chalek

That sure seemed like Zeb. I thought this episode had the best speeches.


I have it down to two guesses as to who a mastermind is if it isn’t Moff Gideon. Possibly three, or maybe four or five, depending on who is or isn’t active. The character you mentioned does seem to be the most probable culprit.


And Cameron Monaghan proved himself to be a fantastic live action actor in two very different roles in Gotham.


Yeah he's a screen actor anyway isn't he? And he wouldn't need makeup for this timeline. Cal is great, but I am getting ahead of myself. Lets see if he makes it through his game series first! :D


They're either getting setup, or my theory, there may me some baaaaaad Mandalorians out there.