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Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x06 Full Reaction

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This show's greatest achievement was making more sense out of certain moments in A New Hope that were written with the idea that Darth Vader was nothing more than a random guy named Darth Vader who killed Luke's father, and in fact Lucas really lucked out that Guinness was so desperate to beef up this role he hated that he decided on his own to deliver the exposition in a way that implied Obi Wan was hiding some deeper secret. So here we have Anakin himself insisting that his old self is dead and Vader killed him, followed by Obi Wan bitterly calling him "Darth," turning his using that word in their final duel into a callback. Plus, Vader's line "When I left you, I was but the learner" now makes a bit more sense than when we thought the duel on Mustafar was that time. Oh, and how awesome is it that Obi Wan beats him up WITH the high ground? Though unfortunately we're still stuck with Reva, and they actually seem to be setting up to give her a spinoff of her own, which if it does happen, I can only hope they have the intellectual honesty to lean into how she truly did evil things she can't take back rather than acting like her intentions absolve all that.


I don't see it really that they will make a spinoff with Reva (and would Moses Ingram come back anyway after all she went through with the idiotic abuse she endured?). Her ending is an open one; one in which she is now free from the chains of her past and has the chance to find some sort of peace and perhaps live as normal a life as she can, especially if she decides to shut herself off from the force.


Leia comforting fearful people, she becomes one of the great hearts of the Rebel Alliance later - perhaps the greatest. Owen and Beru heroically defending their Homestead against Reva and protecting Luke, showed they were just as much Luke's parents, as his biological ones; and gives me new-found respect for them in A New Hope. Its not totally unbelievable, they do live on a hostile planet where Tuskens raid them regularly too, so can defend themselves. "You are what needs to survive" - Obi-Wan telling them the old way of the Jedi has passed; and the people here if they survive this and the Empire, can help to form a new galaxy free from this tyranny. Ewan's acting as Leia tells him to come back and he replies "I promise", is superb. He is trying to sound wholehearted for her, but you can see the doubt in his eyes. Vader's rage getting the better of him, just like Anakin did. They had a chance to take out the escaping group, but all Vader thinks of is his revenge on Obi-Wan. He's pure Sith now. Leia leaving Lola with Obi-Wan is so sweet, and helps him steel his heart before the duel. Love that in the first part of the duel, Vader sees Obi-Wan still more than has it. He is quickly put on the back foot and after a brief time has to switch to double-handed. He won't be able to play this time; his master is finding his spirit once again. Vader does briefly gain the upper hand and buries Obi-Wan in his arrogance thinking that the darkside must always prevail over the 'weakness' of the light. This is folly though as Obi-Wan regains his belief in not only himself, but of why the fight is important, and that Luke and Leia will be key to changing the fate of the galaxy - which helps him move beyond his trauma, and allows him to free himself from his burden this last decade. As I said in your last reaction Jess, Reva is mixed up. She wanted to seek revenge for the Jedi against Vader, and when that failed I think she blames Obi-Wan and so wants to get revenge again by killing Luke. The darkside has corrupted her but she eventually sees that it isn't the way to free herself from her survivors guilt and hence spares Luke. She is in a world of her own pain, but by showing mercy suggests she isn't completely beyond some sort of redemption. Yoda : "once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, like it did with Obi-Wan's apprentice" - that fits in for Reva and for Anakin. Both in the very end show that they aren't totally corrupt; but Reva will need to look inwards and find some light within her to accept herself moving forward; and Vader will be in his own form of hell for a while yet before Anakin comes back. Obi-Wan coming back to show to Vader he is still the master, is magnificent. Not only does he show him true power in the force once balance is restored, but he switched from his defensive Form III Soresu technique that Vader expects, to Vader's own Form IV, and kicks his ass. Vader/Anakin was a fine swordsman, but he was never on Obi-Wan or Yoda's level, especially suited up like this. The end of the duel between Obi-Wan and Vader is so overpoweringly emotional. Obi-Wan feels deep regret about everything, but when Vader tells him Anakin is gone and he was the one who killed him, it in a way helps free Obi-Wan; and ends with us almost feeling sorry for Vader as he is in this turmoil of self-hate, pity and darkness. And it tells Obi that he thinks Anakin is truly dead, so he ends saying 'goodbye Darth' to give him his Sith title. This all marries up beautifully with the original trilogy. Obi-Wan can move on now and become the Jedi he will be. Sidious sounding - and looking - like he was in Return Of The Jedi, so good. Telling Vader too that he should buck up his ideas if he wants to remain his apprentice. Vader does do this tbf, and becomes the more calculating Sith we see later. Love seeing Leia start to become what we know she'll be, and Bail will be at her side. So sweet. Obi-Wan telling her of her traits that she bears from her parents - complete with Leia's Theme - is too much! It brings wells of tears, though I disagree about Anakin being fearless, he lived in fear his entire life as Anakin and Vader - but I see what he means! Seeing Obi-Wan in his old Jedi Master robes just looks so good. Its time for him to become a Jedi once more, not only for himself to finish his training from Qui-Gon, but for Luke down the line. He of course had to say "Hello there" didn't he, love it! And the toy ship he gifts Luke here, is the one we see him play with (as a 19 year old!) in A New Hope. The finale nailed it. This series had its flaws, but boy did they deliver with the emotion and for me helped enhance all the legacy characters throughout. I would love to see Hayden and Ewan reprise their roles someday again. Obi-Wan supposedly kept a journal of his life when in his hut, perhaps the could use that as a MacGuffin for future stories that could involve him, Anakin and Ahsoka from back in the day in the Clone War. Would love to see that. Your reactions were wonderful Jess, and now after so long, you have finally seen this, and have a midway conclusion to Obi-Wan and Anakin's stories post-Clone Wars.


Star Wars fans going overboard about stuff they think isn't the greatest thing ever? Never! Was arguing with someone about Luke in The Last Jedi just today for example, as if Disney changing what they wanted him to be in that story, was the worst thing ever! You'll hear the same from some about Rebels too, because its a different show to The Clone Wars. What I would suggest with Rebels, is treating it a bit like Mando; its a lot of fun, has some goofy stuff in it, but its full of heart, has a cohesive storyline, is more character driven than Clone Wars; and at times has some absolute top tier Star Wars. I don't know how it will do for views as it isn't as popular as TCW (though more are coming to appreciate it on its own merits); but it is a great Star Wars show, and I hope as you get into it, you'll begin to love it Jess. Its great fun! :D


For as much as I'll confidently say that I think Andor is the best Star Wars thing that's ever been created, I really wish its other fans could figure out how to say the same thing without crapping on the rest, because it seriously makes me want to rethink it.


Yeah, Jess, that thumbnail sure does sum it up. Again, so much to say, thus causing me to split my comments up. The tears were relentless and unyielding when I first saw this finale as well. The way my brother talked about it he went through the same, so you’re in good company on the crying aspect of the episode. I’ll start by discussing the Third Sister. I’m actually not sure if she figured out who Luke was. If she did, that’s some impressive leaps of logic in figuring that out. You're not alone in thinking her actions seemed immensely hypocritical; that by killing Luke, she’d become the very thing she swore to destroy. To your point, she is likely not thinking clearly following being stabbed. I loved Joel Edgerton and Bonnie Piesse getting the opportunity in this episode to shine. They stood their ground well. I love when Owen mentions that Obi-Wan was gone, Beru snaps at him, “Yeah, who’s fault is that?” and to Owen’s credit, though he’s not happy about the remark, he doesn’t otherwise argue or contest the point. I also love when Beru gets the good shot in on the Third Sister, and I love when following the Third Sister mocking Owen for loving Luke as if he were his own, Owen growls, “He IS my own!” Sidenote, concerning the night scenes, yeah, night shots in shows anymore do seem to be darker than necessary. I might be wrong, but when the Third Sister fears she became Vader, I think she already did prior to the show. In that, I think she already killed kids, or if not, aided the other inquisitors in doing so. Of course, as Obi-Wan says, what she becomes now, that’s up to her, which in revisiting the show with you, I think that’s the more important thing. I’m with Ryan in that if we see her again, whatever medium that will be, I would like the writers to acknowledge that she’s done terrible things and see how she contends with that. Nice that Obi-Wan and Owen have their final scene together, and it’s so great when Obi-Wan gets to properly introduce himself to Luke with the affectionate “Hello there.” which in this particular instance, sounds like a perfect balance between Ewan McGregor and Alec Guinness. It's a genuinely lovely moment when Obi-Wan entrusts Haja with getting Leia back home. Particularly how Haja gives his word, makes note that given his character his word may not mean anything, and Obi-Wan says it’s good enough for him. Likewise, I loved the moment when Obi-Wan and Roken have their farewell, and we see the respect that’s been forged between them. Yeah, there were plenty of tears during Leia’s last scene. It got me so bad when we heard Leia’s Theme by John Williams. Lovely to see Bail again. I continue to hope that we see him in Andor season two. If not, if this series is the final time we see Jimmy Smits as Bail, then I am happy with it. Now onto what was perhaps the most highly anticipated moment of the series, the climactic confrontation between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi. The music that played during all of it was superb. I remember how you said during the previous battle on Mustafar how you were more saddened than wowed, that was me the whole fight. The crying started just from their opening dialogue exchange and Obi-Wan doing the Soresu stance. The heart rate shot up when Vader switched to the two-handed grip, which when that happened, I said, “It’s serious now!” I have been waiting for your reaction to that moment with Obi-Wan and the rocks. That was well worth the wait. To Vader’s credit, he fought through that, and kept fighting. In fact, something I loved about the fight was that they were both roughly equal in power, and te duel was not entirely one-sided. The crying on my end reached what I thought was the highest level when Obi-Wan started going to town on Vader’s torso lite-brite leaving Vader with the weakened breathing. It's at that moment that it just hits you, the tragedy of the two brothers.


Then there is the pure emotion and catharsis of when Vader’s helmet is split open, revealing Anakin beneath. I love Hayden’s performance in the scene, and I love how haunting it is that his voice is combined with James Earl Jones, and even in the same sentence, it bounces back and forth between Hayden and James. Hayden and Ewan both sold that scene, and your reaction to it was everything I had hoped for. Yes, as you say, there is a sense of closure for both of them. Just how Obi-Wan expresses apology, and how Vader refutes it by saying that Obi-Wan did not kill Anakin, Vader did, gah, it was gutting to hear that. But by saying that, it absolves a lot of Obi-Wan's guilt, and Vader does take responsibility for his own actions. It's beautifully highlighted in Obi-Wan's line, “Then my friend is truly dead. Goodbye. Darth.” It hit me too in that shot of Vader yelling in rage the symbolism of the planets of the duels. Mustafar was hell. Wherever this place is, it feels like purgatory. Obi-Wan is able to attain some measure of peace and leave, Vader is left behind to wallow in his hatred, his anger. Now to talk about the two big cameos. First, the one that everyone was waiting and hoping to see. I share your reaction to it, Jess. In that moment, when we start to see the force ghost fade in, I said, “Shut up.” and started crying all over again. To see Liam Neeson physically portray Qui-Gon Jinn for the first time in twenty-three years, it warmed my cold heart something fierce, and as I said, I cried my eyes out. And I love how Qui-Gon says to Obi-Wan that he was always there; Obi-Wan needed to be ready to see. Then there was the cameo I was waiting for, for the whole show. I tell you I was SO GODDAMN HAPPY seeing Ian McDiarmid once again as the beloved Emperor. Especially great is how he looked just as he did in Return of the Jedi forty years prior. His moment of sass was priceless when he said to Vader, “You seem agitated, my friend.” Just that line alone shows that Ian has not lost his touch. It's genuinely terrifying how the Emperor gets Vader to submit all without even raising his voice, nor does he directly threaten, rather he merely infers the threats. And when the scene concluded with a GLORIOUS presentation of The Imperial March, I was sobbing and yelling that it was the best scene of the whole show. Watching the show again with you, I maintain that that scene was my favorite scene of the show. And now we reach the end of the journey through the show. I wish we had more, though in concluding, we now go onto Rebels which I look forward to. I am so, so very, very hapy to see and hear you express your love for the show. And, truly, it was a most tremendous pleasure sharing this show with you, Jess. It meant so much to me. Thank you.


Yes for example I saw a thread on reddit last week from someone after Mando's premiere, that they can no longer enjoy it because it isn't as deeply well written as Andor. Why can't we just enjoy the merits of all series? There will be some stuff that we won't all like, but why do so many need to compare one version of Star Wars, with others. That's a great thing about this franchise, that there is something for everyone to enjoy.


I’m with you on the new-found respect for Owen and Beru. I love that it reinforces that they were Luke’s parents. They were not his mother and father, no, but they were his parents. Yeah, everything about the duel is emotional beyond belief. That was a tough week that week when it aired. My brother said it got him the worst first, when Obi-Wan says, “I’m sorry.” and then when Vader says, “I did.” I am curious if the Third Sister would ultimately find peace. I could see that she could never forgive herself for her past actions, so instead, she focuses on doing the good that she can from then on, if she can. Yeah, Ian as the Emperor looking just like he did when we first saw him in Return of the Jedi was a beautiful touch. Leia’s Theme has always made me cry in the past for how beautiful it is. It’s gotten worse crying-wise following Carrie Fisher’s death. Hearing it here, I’m with you on the well of tears. The journal as a MacGuffin sounds like a good idea.


Yeah, I'm tired at this point of the negativity with a lot of the fans of Star Wars. I already didn’t care for it with the prequels when I was growing up, though looking back as an adult, I do understand the complaints even if I do not agree with every single one of them. I keep thinking that’s maybe why I was kinder to the sequel trilogy than others were. The only live action films of Star Wars I had significant issues with when I first saw them in the theater were The Force Awakens and Solo, and even then, I still had a great time with both of them. I've loved each of the live-action Star Wars shows, each for different reasons. The Mandalorian for its adventure tone. The Book of Boba Fett for Boba. And imperfect at spots though it was, it was for me, the most fun of the live action shows thus far, and I loved seeing more of Temuera and Ming-Na as Boba and Fennec. Obi-Wan was just pure nostalgia, catharsis, and emotion. Andor was just science fiction at some of its best, and I loved the John le Carré feel to it. With Rebels, I can really see Jess loving it as she is big on character focus, and given her favorite show is The Walking Dead, I can definitely see Jess gravitating towards the themes of found family/family of choice in Rebels.


And we're apparently very lucky that Liam Neeson was willing to do that cameo, as just last month he made a statement turning hard against everything Disney is doing with Star Wars, saying it's "diluting" the brand strength. To which I can only say, dude, you introduced us to the word "midichlorians." Sit down.


I still get overly emotional on each rewatch. They handled that side of things superbly, first showing how broken Obi-Wan was, that he needed to find his mojo back; and for Vader, showing truly his rage and anger at Obi-Wan and power throughout. Then the duel is nearly perfect too. I'm a bit biased in my view of it when Obi-Wan finds his strength again, but you are right, it showed both of them at times at their best, and then delivered the tears when the duel ends. Sesska is right, when it gets like this though, two former brothers, now enemies (from one side anyway), the prevailing emotion for me, is sadness to see it came to this. Especially - and you know my thoughts on Anakin - when Anakin had all the potential to become one of the greatest, and certainly most powerful, Jedi of all time. Yet he ends up being the final Sith and abandons everything he stood for. Lucas in a way is right, Star Wars for a long time was the tragedy of Darth Vader. And yes, Carrie Fisher is still much missed. Little Leia here reminds us of the radiance she had in her youth, both as a character, and person. Its hard to watch most of Rise Of Skywalker in her scenes.


I don't know if its because of social media these days, but there seems no room for nuance or debate. Everything has to be the greatest thing ever, and if it doesn't reach that, it becomes the worst thing ever. The sequels aren't the best sure, but I have a lot of fun with them in the main so don't go overboard about certain things in the films that I could nitpick about. Same with the prequels. They are my least favourite Star Wars media, but I could see what Lucas was trying to do with them, and he expanded the universe greatly with them, and gave a solid framework for other shows to build on. Force Awakens is A New Hope in a new suit, but zipped along well enough and was good fun. Sure I rolled my eyes at how easily Rey managed to mind-trick a stormtrooper (who was played by James Bond at that!), but its not a huge deal. Solo I felt was a bit bland and by-the-numbers, but a lot of it was good stuff too. I'm kind of in the mood of rewatching Boba as well - which was another heavily criticised show because he wasn't the Boba of the archaic EU and wanted to be beyond all that. And for me that worked fine, I was never a fan of that other Boba, but this one I want to see more of. I say that on Youtube or Reddit though, and then watch the downvotes (my best record is around -500 on Reddit for defending Bo-Katan when others have it in for her because of their view of her role in overthrowing Satine). Well if Jess likes character focus the most in stories, then yes, she'll get into Rebels. And its one of these shows like Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul, that just get better and better as the seasons go on.


Yeah, like you’ve been saying, one can say what they will about the show altogether, the emotional beats they hit, they HIT! Though I am biased towards Vader as he’s one of my favorites of anything, I still recognize how amazing it is seeing Obi-Wan be as impressive as he was in that duel. What largely tempers it some is the context, the tragedy. By itself, that moment with the rocks especially is amazing. And as I said, the music in the duel is great. Vivien Lyra Blair as little Leia, it’s uncanny how much it felt like seeing a young Carrie Fisher. I remember seeing The Rise of Skywalker on opening night, and yeah, Leia’s scenes hurt. If you’ve caught the behind-the-scenes, there’s an emotional moment where John Williams talks about utilizing Leia’s Theme, and he sounds saddened. They also show footage of John conducting the London Symphony Orchestra performing Leia’s Theme. Mark Hamill, who was present, looked like he was struggling not to break down crying.


Yes its a bit rich Liam saying that (and one of the reasons I've never been all that big on Qui-Gon as I've never been that fond of Neeson) when he has come back to play Qui-Gon in multiple things now, and twice here recently with this and Tales Of The Jedi.


Great fucking series of reactions! I am so fulfilled. I have nothing to add which hasn't already been said, and I haven't even started watching the post analysis after watching the reaction yet. All I want to do is post red hearts for Obi-Wan, ❤❤❤❤, white hearts for Leia, 🤍🤍🤍🤍, blue hearts for Luke, 💙💙💙💙, purple hearts for Padme, 💜💜💜💜, black hearts for Vader/Anakin 🖤🖤🖤🖤, and broken hearts for us 💔💔💔💔


I saw some moaning about the rocks scene like it should only be Vader to have the power to do that, when Obi-Wan literally becomes more powerful than he could possibly imagine. (Also because it has nods to Rey and her rock scene in TLJ) Little Vivien was superb as Leia. For someone so young, who probably wasn't even born when they were making Rise Of Skywalker, to nail Leia, is fabulous. She not only looked a lot like her, but made her feel like Leia. Hope to see more of her in other things as if she continues like that, she'll be a star! I haven't seen the behind the scenes stuff, I should do more of that with Star Wars. Did it for Clone Wars a few years back, but for all the times I've seen Rebels through now, I've never done it with that, nor for the sequels. I'm going to be starting Last Of Us next, and with that, Mando and Bad Batch I'm tied up for a bit, but afterwards, I should look into BTS stuff for more Star Wars content. And yes, the music during the duel is fantastic. I managed to get the score for the series the other week when Sesska started this, and I've been listening to that duel music a lot. It very much echoes the great man himself, John Williams.


I guess I do have one more thing to add. I love how for Vader him saying "You didn't kill Anakin, I did" is bragging, but for Obi-Wan it relieves guilt. One could think Vader feels so badly about what he did to Padme that he killed and suppressed and deleted all the love he had for her. He's disappointed in his own failure so much that he's convinced himself he's removed the man he was from existence.


Yeah, between social media and wider internet availability and accessibility, debate and discussion about a lot of things has devolved largely into dealing in absolutes with little to no room for nuance, and yes, it’s frustrating and tiresome. Force Awakens being A New Hope 2.0, and my not being terribly impressed with the villains the first-time round are the main issues I had with it. The latter point, I've since largely come around on, even if they still fall under the shadow of Star Wars villains past, and pale by comparison. My second time seeing it, I got past those issues quick. The stormtrooper scene, I was more distracted by trying to convince my mom and my brother that it was Daniel Craig as the stormtrooper. Solo had the hype problem in that it tells a backstory of a beloved character that most if not everyone has built up in their heads on what they want it to be. I never really did have much in the way of what I wanted Han’s backstory to be, and it still felt, as you said, by the numbers, though still fun, the Kessel Run scene I especially liked. Like I said, The Book of Boba Fett, I had the most fun with in the live action shows, and I quite liked the direction that was taken with Boba in this continuity. I'm very interested in seeing more of Boba and Fennec. I'm consistently in a middle ground with Bo-Katan. I take greater issue when fans say that she’s never done anything wrong and/or treat her like a saint. I mean, and if I am misspeaking, I apologize, you’ve said you really like her precisely because she’s a grey character, neither a wholly good guy nor a wholly bad guy. I am most invested in Bo-Katan's arc; she certainly has my attention. The character development and focus are the aspects of Jess’s reactions to Rebels that I'm most anticipating. Can't wait to see them.


I watched your reaction without the picture, but cried (so much again) with you. I knew you'd enjoy it more than the critics (who didn't enjoy Punisher that i've just watched now). You've taught me that focus on characters is more important than any plot-holes. Cheers


And I would equally enjoy your reactions if you had less lighting.


Yeah for sure, would welcome more Boba and Fennec in live action. I think we'll see them sooner or later back. Oh and Bo, she is something! We'll speak about it once I see Sesska's reaction, though that will be a bit later tonight as I'll be going elsewhere for a bit to talk about Bad Batch - did you lads see that tonight? Mando was great, but Bad Batch was even better!


I just thought about a way to reference Ahsoka in their last dialogue (I wished they did that!) and I came up with this: Obi-Wan: "Anakin, your padawan probably is dead as is mine and we both caused their respective death!" Darth Vader: "No, you didn´t kill Anakin Skywalker... I did..."


Yes, I saw today’s Bad Batch. Impressive. Most impressive.


Best episode of the whole show, I'm bracing myself to rewatch it later.


Would have to give more thought to precise ranking of the episodes thus far, but yeah, today’s episode would be up there pretty high. Definitely one of the best. Hope you enjoy the rewatch.