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The Mandalorian 3x01 Full Reaction

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Awesome that this show comes back just around the same time you're finishing Obi Wan, and your getting to see more of Bo Katan with a better understanding of her backstory is a ton of fun.


Excited for Mando Season 3, AND I´m equally excited for Rebels Reactions coming soon! Awesome news! :)

Thomas Corp

It’s so good to be back sharing The Mandalorian with you, Jess. I like how relatively smaller scale this episode was for a season premiere. If I were Mando, I’d be a tiny bit touchy with the Armorer, in that I'd be saying, “You know, I just saved your guys’ asses from that gargantuan space gator, so I think a modicum of gratitude would not be out of line here.” Great to see Nevarro again. Lovely to see more of Carl Weathers as Greef. I too had a laugh over the droids with his cape. Upon hearing about Cara, I said, “Oh, ok. Well, that’s nice for the character. Nicer than the joke I was saying for the last two years. I kept saying that they’d explain that she retired to her summer home on Alderaan.” I also was not expecting to see IG-11 again. I loved it in your reaction when IG went Terminator mode. Great to see the Anzellians. I love Shirley Henderson’s voice work for them. I'm with you on a 3PO and Mando teamup, if for no other reason than for just how happy it would make you getting to see your two favorite Star Wars characters together. Yeah, as you say, Mando may not take to 3PO all that well, but then again, Joel was not fond of Ellie right away, and they’ve bonded, so who’s to say the same couldn’t be said for 3PO and Mando. And yes, like you say, 3PO and Grogu could be walking buddies, which would be the sweetest thing. A show starring Frog Lady does sound fun, I won’t lie. I got dissapointed when the pirates were newer characters, because as soon as they mentioned about pirates, I thought we’d get to see Hondo. Alas, no such luck. I'm assuming Bo-Katan is going to be a big part of the season. Yeah, she is quite salty with Mando. It does make sense. She's tried so long to achieve her goals and her progress has stagnated. Of course, the one thing that again proves irksome is that Bo conveniantly continues to ignore and/or downplay her own role in the state Mandalore is in, specifically her hand in helping Darth Maul way back when. It of course makes sense, but at this point it seems like she’s been burying the guilt and trauma from that for so long, that I wonder if her inability to own up to her past is hampering her ability to lead and/or rule. I will say that I'd love for that to be Bo’s arc this season. That she finally starts to face her past, and work through her pain and trauma. It's like Tala said in Obi-Wan, “Some things you can’t forget. But you can fight to make them better.” As I say, a solid season premiere. I just know that I am going to have such a great time sharing the season with you. I am curious if the question of bathing in the waters of Mandalore will be an unpleasent experience, or will it be more akin to as you’re wanting, a relaxing and rejuvinating day at the spa. I mean, I would not be opposed to the latter option, particularly if it’s a wonderful as say a stay at Sesska’s Spa in the Tardis. That would be fun. Thanks for the fun reaction, Jess.


No one tell her what that was Grogu saw in hyperspace! Hehehe!


The Armorer repeating everything she already told Mando in Book of Boba Fett is clearly there to catch up people who didn't watch that show (and really, who could blame them?), but in full context it's a huge dick move and I'm really hoping this season will see him do some serious consideration of "Why exactly do I want these pedantic, sanctimonious jerks to let me back in their secret treehouse club?"


OMG, OMG, OMG Jess is committing to the mighty Rebels! On top of a cracking Bad Batch ep, Mando returning, and now hearing Jess will be covering my favourite Star Wars show - this has been a good week! :D Was this the best episode of Mando ever? No. Did I have a massive smile on my face throughout it? You bet ya! Its good to have it back! :D When Mando flew in to save the day at the start, as he turned around, he should have said "Hello there!" :D Love the introduction for those unfamiliar, to the Purgil during the hyperspace sequence with Grogu. Foreshadowing for later! Good to see Navarro thriving, and "High" Magistrate Greef Karga back looking like a legend with his glorious cape that needed tiny droids to hold up! Lando would be jealous! Grogu hasn't changed, he's still the mischevious little tyke. Force spinning a chair again and again, and grabbing things he likes like that little guy who was the same species as a beloved little character from Rise Of Skywalker (the name escapes me currently). I can't believe the pirate antagonist is actually called Vane! For anyone into the history of piracy like myself, one of the legendary pirates was a Charles Vane and this numbskull is obviously named after him! :D Love the look of the moss-man pirate boss too, so cool and a great design! Poor Bo-Katan is in a sulk and who can blame her after all she's been through. If Mando can somehow bring together his bunch of zealots, and get Bo-Katan and all the influence she wields, on board; then he deserves to become The Mandalore, and I say this as someone whose favourite Mandalorian IS Bo-Katan, who was leader of her people in the eyes of many for decades.


Ha yeah, they should have said that about Cara Dune going back to blown up Alderaan after the actress's shenanigans. Do what they did with Chef on South Park, just annihilate him for the fun of it! Shirley Henderson exchanging a toilet u-bend to playing little critters, if anyone can do that, its her! As for Hondo, I think a lot would have liked that, and perhaps he may turn up, but I personally think he's best kept in animation. However for a fun, adventure show like this, you never know, we may yet see him back! I'm unsure they'll go down a soul-searching arc for Bo. My main reason for loving her the most of all the Mando's, is that she is just so unyielding and steadfast about Mandalore. She is a warrior through and through and is the complete opposite of her sister.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, Shirley is great; a most underrated talent. I'd love for Hondo to show up. If it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen. I'd just love to hear Jim Cummings do the voice again if nothing else. Fair point you made about Bo-Katan. She is one of the bigger question marks, fate-wise, thus I could see the writers going a few different directions with her. I'm looking forward to what's to come.

Thomas Corp

A good week indeed. I'd say a good season of Bad Batch, thus far. I'm with you on this was just a nice episode to jump back into the show, and as you say it makes you smile throughout. I hadn’t thought about that with Lando, but yes, he would most certainly be jealous of Greef’s cape. Moss Man pirate boss, I called him “Garden Salad Pizza the Hutt!” At this point, I'd say that yeah, Mando would probably be the best candidate for being the ruler of Mandalore. I don’t know how well Bo-Katan would like that. I'd imagine not well, though maybe she’d come around to the idea. Should be interesting regardless.


Yeah, I haven't seen trailers or anything about this season, so excited to see what's to come!


Yes Moss Man is reminding me of someone else I've seen, though I can't place it (I think they have went for an alternative look for Davy Jones as a leader of pyrates), whether its an old comic horror I've seen over the years, or something else, but it will come to me; like the name I've just remembered for the Anzellan little guy from the sequels, Babu Frik! If Moss Man was a pizza though, he'd be a veggie option for sure! :P And Bo-Katan might not be happy about what she perceives as an extremist in Din Djarin, become The Mandalore; that fire inside her is down to its embers just now, but it won't take much for her to become an inferno once more.