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Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x04 Full Reaction

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And this is unfortunately where the show really started to lose me. For the most obvious issue, why are lightsabers suddenly being treated like baseball bats? We saw a guy get cut in half just last episode, so clearly Disney didn't have an issue with putting that kind of thing onscreen, so what's the deal? And then there's the way the whole story is contrived around getting Obi Wan into this base and thus giving Third Sister a lead on the Path. She herself is the one who involved Leia in this situation and knows full well she had nothing to do with it beforehand, so why would she now interrogate the girl for some kind of inside information? And then there's the way the base is specifically noted to have absolutely no defenses, and I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but no, the Empire really is just that stupid. And finally, Obi Wan trying to get Leia out by pretending to be a guy with four legs and a massive bulge in his side, which got a ton of very justified comparisons to Austin Powers on Mini Me's shoulders, and you might as well just have the writer come directly on camera and say "It was late and I was tired." Oh, and one last note of silliness with the huge amount of drama over Wade, and no you didn't miss anything, we literally met the guy just this episode and he did absolutely nothing to warrant the storytelling dwelling on his death like this. It's honestly like a bunch of big heroic scenes with him were cut and they just couldn't figure out a away to cut around the payoff in this scene, but I haven't been able to find any evidence that's the case, so apparently it really is just weird silly writing and directing. Luckily, this did prove to be the low point and the show improves again in its last two episodes, but it remained a huge obstacle in my staying invested in the story.


I had the same feeling when Obi-Wan said "You've no idea what the Empire is capable of", but I think now he said it because Roken was being cold-hearted about the situation, and he knew he would recall an emotional memory that would make him change his mind.


To your defense of not expecting how intense the previous episode was, both my brother and I were not expecting it to be that intense either, at least not as soon as it was. So, you’re in good company there. In ranking the episodes of this show, this would be ranked last. Main reasons for that are as you described: it feels like a bit of a step down from the last episode, far more action than character moments, and as you observed, it was on the shorter side, thus it felt a touch cramped. I'm basically fine with what happened in the episode, it just felt like a lot of it could have been expanded on some. That being said, I did still enjoy the episode when I first saw it. Evidence of this is that I'll again have to space my comments out some. I agree with you that it’s less Obi-Wan has to forget what happened, because how the fuck does one forget that, and more he’s got to heal and make peace, as best he can, with what happened. You said with grief, “Sometimes the world doesn’t wait for you.” I nodded somewhat grimly in response and said, “Ain’t that the goddamn truth.” I shared your feeling that Tala would die in this episode. Thus, it was a pleasant surprise that she made it out. Indira Varma continued to be great as Tala, and the character increased my respect for her. To talk about little Leia, I'm in agreement with what you said. From start to finish she’s great in this show, but it’s this episode that Vivien Lyra Blair really shines as Leia, and just makes me cry over how insanely well she channels the spirit of Carrie Fisher. In this episode, from the interrogation scene where her resistance to the mind probe was considerable, and how she used the Third Sister’s own words against her, and especially that last moment she had with Obi-Wan in the episode. That moment got me especially bad, and I was saying, “Jesus, that’s Carrie. The way she sits, the look on her face, it’s Carrie’ spirit, big as day. Christ, this kid is GOOD!” A horrifying moment when Obi-Wan discovers the bodies of the Jedi, especially seeing Tera Sinube. Worse still, is that I don’t think they’re entirely dead. The contraptions they’re in are of Rakatan design, presumably. Thus, whenever the Inquisitors want, they can just poke a straw in them, and take a sip or two for a quick pick me up. Likewise, a horrifying moment when Leia almost gets tortured. The part that really caused any sympathy for the Third Sister to dry up was when she yelled at Leia, “You did this to yourself!” leading me to yell, “She did this to hers... She wouldn’t even BE in a position to know the information you’re after if YOU didn’t have her abducted in the first place! What the FUCK are you talking about, she did this to herself!? What are you HIGH or something!?!” Sidenote, when Tala claimed the Path was on Florrum, I do hope that no forces were sent there as I seriously doubt that Hondo would be too happy about that. A big highlight of the episode is that although Obi-Wan isn’t fully healed yet, physically and mentally, he still shakes the rust off, proceeds to, as Bobby Singer would say, sack up, and he gets Leia out of there. It kind of sucks for the Inquisitors being left behind having to deal with the fact that it’s now the second time within a decade that Fortress Inquisitorius is flooded. Hate to imagine what that will do to their insurance rates. No worries about your laughing about Leia hiding under the coat. You expressed what was basically my thought both when I watched it, and when I heard the internet piss and moan about it, the thought being given the limited resources, that’s pretty much the best they could do. Now, in the days following, a lot of people compared that moment to Austin Powers, like I see Ryan has done. When I saw that, I laughed my ass off and I started kicking myself, and said, “HOW did I not make that comparison myself?”


Now, onto my favorite moment of the episode, Darth Vader’s scene. Just seeing Hayden conveying through his powerwalking in the Vader suit how ungodly ANGRY Vader is. Then when Vader has the line, “YOU WERE WARNED...WHAT DEFEAT...WOULD BRING!!!!” That was a heart attack, particularly considering how James Earl Jones never really yelled as Vader in the original trilogy, his first scene notwithstanding. Therefore, to hear Vader bellowing at the top of what’s left of his lungs, combined with the body language, it does a brilliant job showcasing how Darth Vader is really PISSED OFF. Hell, both the Fifth Brother and the Fourth Sister look like they’re about to soil themselves in that scene. I also made myself laugh a little in the scene in that I imagined part of Vader’s thought process as, “What IS it with every five years, this fortress getting flooded!? Now I'm going to have to call the Emperor, and since repairs cost a fortune last time, he’s going to yell at me, “Oh! Oh, “just rebuild it”?! Oh, yeah, real FUCKING original! And who's going to give me a loan, jackhole, you?! You got an ATM on that torso Lite-Brite?!” Plus, now we got to get a plumber all the way out here, on a weekend, no less.” Most fortunate for the Third Sister in that she had the foresight to plant a tracker, thus sparing her from Vader’s wrath, for now. I love too how she gets a little too cocky by parroting Vader’s assertion that “Kenobi is all that matters!” And how Vader gives the impression that he sees through the bullshit, and how even without actually saying it, his body language and tone of voice screams, “That you say we can track Kenobi is literally the ONLY reason why your trachea is not currently flatter than a pancake. We will carry on with your scheme, but fail me again, and you will CHOKE on your aspirations, Third Sister.” Speaking of said tracking device, I knew that you were not going to be happy about that. When it revealed Lola was bugged, and it got you to yell, “Lola no! Not Lola!” I had a small laugh and said, “Figured you’d say something like that.” So, now we’re past the only real misstep of the show, and even then, it wasn’t that bad a misstep, at least I didn’t think so. Regardless, now I have your reactions to the next two episodes to look forward to, and I will be looking forward to those with great interest, as I just know for a fact that your reactions to those episodes will be so stupendous. I mean it, your reactions to this show have been worth the wait and just so wonderful, Jess! Thank you so much!


What really kills me about the cloak scene is that insert shot of Leia sticking her face out, like they were actually worried the audience would have no idea what was going on and would instead be thinking "Wait, where's Leia, and why is Obi Wan so fat all of a sudden?"


I like a lot of this show, in fact I give it an 8/10 overall, and I rarely criticise Disney Star Wars too much; but I can't rewatch this episode. This would have been fine if the series was longer, but it doesn't go anywhere and Leia still ends up back with Obi-Wan anyway at the end of it. And for a show with only 6 episodes, this one feels like a waste. Then there is the execution of several scenes in it which are head-scratching and infuriating. I don't need to go into that, but this episode is definitely a step down from the others in the series. From a character's POV though, it shows Obi-Wan has still got it at being a great infiltrator and executor of missions, and is reconnecting with the force once more. Vader being furious with Reva is a highlight, and you can feel Hayden really love playing the big bad Vader in his prime in this series. All good stuff. Horrible seeing what happened to Tera Sinube though, the great Jedi end up here on display as some sort of warped trophy in formaldehyde at Fortress Inquisitorious, is a sad end for such a beloved, centuries old Jedi Master. I hope they reburied him respectfully once they found this place after the Empire fell.


I will say in rewatching this episode, I was more aware of the clunkier elements than I was in my first viewing. My first viewing the only real thing that pulled me out some was hiding Leia in the cloak, though like I said, I fail to see how they had many other options. Even so, I still enjoyed the aspects of the episode that I loved like Leia, Tala being impressive, as you say, Obi-Wan showcasing his skills whilst reconnecting to the Force. And the scene with Darth Vader pretty much makes the whole episode worth it honestly.


I may have a few drams one day soon for Dutch courage and give this episode another try. Who knows, it may improve on second viewing. Deborah Chow isn't a bad director, but to me it looks like they needed someone else from the live stuff, especially Andor, to make it sing. Alas it seems to have fell flat. Can't complain too much however, the creator of the franchise did that with the prequels! :P


Well, it’s like Roger Ebert once said “I can buy imperfections if they occur to me after the movie is over. The problem would be if they occurred to me while I was watching it.” When I first saw the episode, the imperfections, Leia under the cloak notwithstanding, largely didn’t occur to me. Only later did some of it register. And as I said, watching it again, the imperfections were more noticeable, yet I still chose to focus on the good and/or things I liked in the episode rather than fixate on the bad. Hopefully if you did rewatch the episode, you have a better time with it. If not, well, that’s just the way it crumbles, cookie-wise.