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Wednesday 1x04 Full Reaction

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As of this episode, I held a similar view on the suspicious nature of Xavier. As you stated, it seems a little too blatant and heavy handed that he is the monster, which led me to believe that most likely, he isn’t the monster, unless, of course, the show was deciding to go with a Billy Loomis type situation. I didn’t rule him out altogether. I too kind of lived for Wednesday and the sheriff teaming up. I do appreciate that you liked Tyler being open about how he felt. I'm not trying to diminish your thoughts on that, Jess. Where I'm standing, his expectations are ridiculous, particularly after he says that Wednesday kept giving him signals. Which sounded so incredulous that I paused and yelled, “WHAT signals?! Any signals she’s giving out are about as apparent as the location of Jimmy Hoffa! Oh, wait! Never mind! There's the signals she’s giving out, right next to Claude Rains! Silly me!” Similarly, I find my patience wearing thin with Xavier in that, ok, he may genuinely like her, but man is he acting very entitled about it. All of it leads me to bemoan, “Goddamn, there is some STRONG male entitlement in this show, and it is sickening.” I do feel bad for Bianca, and subsequently loved the scene of her and Wednesday having a moment of commiseration. I got a laugh at the scene where Enid has her moment of building up the idea of dress shopping where she asks, “Do you know what you need?” and at the exact same time as Wednesday replied, “A bullet to the head?” I deadpanned, “Strychnine?” That was quite a dress Wednesday had. Certainly, much better than everyone else’s outfits, although Gwendoline Christie’s ensemble was killer. I could not stand the all-white outfit theme; that could very well just be me. As will undoubtedly get heavily commented on on youtube, the big takeaway from this episode was Wednesday’s dance, which I'm told has become a massive viral sensation. I wouldn’t know as I refuse to even dip a toe into any sort of tik-tokking nonsense. I found I shared Wednesday’s disappointment over the use of paint in the prank. My thought being, “You know, fellas, if you are going to carry out this ham-handed Carrie routine, you might at least have the decency to go all out with the whole shebang.” In my opinion, though, school dances are vastly overrated tripe, though I will second your saying that if one is to go to those sorts of things, it’s better to go with friends. Nice to see Enid and Ajax cleared things up. Now onto the most important topic of concern for the episode, Eugene. You had practically the exact same reaction that I did, Jess, as it was horrifying seeing him being attacked. I easily put myself in Wednesday’s shoes in that I envisioned her thoughts as, “Revenge! I must have revenge!” As it is, I was saying, “Do what must be done, Wednesday! Do not hesitate! Show no mercy!” Thank you for another fun reaction to Wednesday, Jess.


Apparently "Are the signals in the room with us right now, Tyler?" was a big line among fans. Also, Gwendoline Christie has said this role was the first time she's ever felt genuinely attractive (which I'm sure I'm far from the only one who finds that ridiculous, but self-image is a cruel mistress).