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Supernatural 7x04 Full Reaction

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I was surprised that this was a Season 7 episode! I thought it was an episode around season 9/10 xD

Trinity Bernhardt

This episode was very powerful, and I lived the deep dive into Dean's self guilt, and of course seeing Jo again. I loved how Alona Tal played Jo. She was 100% on Dean's side and tried so hard to show it in every answer and action. She did not want to be there. Her time with Dean and conversation was amazing. "Do you want to die, never finding out?" Great line! I just wanted to hug Dean and hold him the entire episode. The hardest part for me about this episode is the fact that Dean is really the closest to giving up we have ever seen him. If Sam had not been in time Dean made no effort to stop, or even delay, his death. He was ready. It was heartbreaking and scary. Cas's betrayal broke him. Him watching Sam suffer is not only terrifying, but a constant reminder that not only is Sam in danger, but Cas did it! I agree with Dean's decision about Amy, though I do think there is an argument for protecting her, but the lying... that is the line and it is weighing heavily. Had he just been like "Sam, I'm sorry, I don't agree. She has to die." It would have upset Sam, but would not have been such a blow to the relationship. Now it is just this bomb waiting to go off, and Dean feels every tick. Sam... I get it. He spent 120 years approximately getting punished. Osiris wasn't wrong that some punishment can be a relief. Sam definitely paid for his crimes. Doesn't erase them, but what more can he do? He can't personally make it up to every person who suffered during the Apocalypse. Dean doesn't understand because his Hell trip added a lot of guilt, though I can't blame him for that either. 99.99999% of people would have broken in a day, maybe week, Hell time. He lasted 30 years!!! It is good to see that Sam processed through some of his trauma and I am glad that he had a relatively peaceful time. This is definitely one of the eps I consider better out of season 7, even if it breaks my heart.

Eddie Green

180 years when you add in the 6 months he spent as Soulless Sam.