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Supernatural 7x02 Full Reaction

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You’re right that the topics of depression and suicide are one of the trickier, more delicate topics to tackle in film and tv, and it can easily be done poorly without proper care. As someone who’s gone through bouts of deep depression bad enough that there have been potent suicidal thoughts rolling around and screaming in my head, I know what you mean when you say that you see a show tackle the topics well enough that it strikes you to your bones. There's been one show in particular, and I'm not going to say what it was for fear of spoilers, that the topics were so masterfully presented that I felt it cut into my soul, and just even thinking about it threatens a full-out breakdown and panic attack. Or in a general sense, like you say that when you know that a film or show will feature a specific plot and/or tackle a sensitive subject, and it pertains to something you have recently gone through, yeah, it weighs on your mind, and just presses against your chest to the point you almost can’t breathe. There's been a few occasions of that for myself in revisiting certain films and shows for your reactions where I was most apprehensive in revisiting because of sensitive plot points or themes, and it’s astonishing to me that I'm able to watch the show or film in question without having a breakdown. Occasionally, I’m able to watch because I haven’t seen something before, thus, I don’t know about certain plot points that could conceivably trigger a breakdown. For instance, the second How to Train Your Dragon movie, I was unaware of the one plot point in particular, and it got me bad enough that I’m still positive I blacked out some. All this to say that I appreciated all of your post episode thoughts, and like I said on youtube, I'm so very proud of you that you were brave enough to share what you did. I again wish to offer my condolences and say that I hope that you are doing well, Jess. Take care.