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Clone Wars 7x05/7x06 Full Reaction

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This story makes a lot more sense when you know Dave Filoni was considering making a spinoff about the Martez sisters. Then he decided to go with The Bad Batch instead, leaving this as just a weird storytelling anomaly which is a very jarring way to bring Ahsoka back after she sat out Season 6 entirely beyond that one dream sequence (and this was also before she made the jump to live action in The Mandalorian Season 2).


As I understand it, to the best of my recollection, of the three arcs that comprise the final season of The Clone Wars, this arc was, let’s say the least well received. It is possible that I am mistaken about that. I myself would rank it last of the three arcs of the final season, but I still enjoyed the arc, even if it’s not one I'm overly fond of. I do enjoy the manner in which Ahsoka is brought back into the narrative. Yes, the Martez sisters do have an entertaining dynamic. I had suspected that Rafa would hold your interest. Given your reactions to Hill House and more recently Arcane, it seemed likely that Rafa would be a character that you’d gravitate towards. I get what you mean by saying that their initial scenes feel somewhat expository. A highlight of the sisters and the arc in general is the focus on the lives of people so thoroughly divorced from the central conflict, and how they have to do some less than savory things to survive. It's like the line Cassian had in Rogue One, “We don't all have the luxury of deciding when and where we want to care about something.” Yeah, Ahsoka’s going to some lengths to not use her abilities and draw attention to herself, but in dealing with the Martez sisters, she’s reminded of how the Jedi code and its teachings are like a perpetual itch that can never be scratched; thus, she feels most compelled to help them. Highly emotional hearing Ahsoka refer to Anakin as her older brother. Her saying she learned at Skywalker academy, likewise, was emotional. Both scenes paled to the scene that got you right in the heart. I tell you I sobbed at that scene. The reason being one, it was an emotional moment in and of itself. And two, it was also a most perfect reference/parallel to a scene in Return of the Jedi which to this day is still both my favorite film of the saga, and a film that’s one of my top ten favorites. In the middle of the tears, I actually yelled some, saying, “Show, you can’t do that to a man! Or if you are going to do something like that, you need to give a man a warning beforehand!! My heart was not even REMOTELY close to being prepared for that!!!” A most enjoyable first reaction to the final season, Jess, thanks.


I don't think its jarring, we need an arc like this to catch up with Ahsoka to see where here mindstate is in after leaving the Jedi Order.


You are not mistaken Tom, the way some moan about this arc and the Martez sisters (whom I personally don't mind too much, especially Trace, even if she is a bit ditsy), especially Rafa; you'd think this arc was as bad as the sequels. Filoni said they spent more time on writing this arc than any other, and while it isn't a favourite among the fanbase; this is needed to find out where Ahsoka is at mentally, after her world has collapsed around her after her issues with the Jedi.


Yeah, personally, I have no real beef with the Martez sisters. They're far from my favorite Star Wars characters sure, but I like them well enough, more so Rafa for reasons similar to the ones that Jess gave. I get where they wouldn’t necessarily be everyone’s cup of tea, yet I see no reason why they would be reviled to the level that I've been hearing they are. As we reach the final season, I realize that the only two arcs I dislike, or at least the ones that were a chore to get through, are the droid arc, and the Odd Couple two-parter with Mace and Jar Jar Binks. Every other arc and/or two-parter I'm fine with.


I consider Rafa to almost be like a female Han Solo; I don't think a lot in the fanbase see that, so just end up calling her the old trait of 'annoying'. I too think they are fine; there are some issues with this story we can perhaps get into once the arc is done, and I've rewatched this about 7 or 8 times now (and I haven't watched Jess's reaction yet, its busy exporting just now); but the most important part of it is about Ahsoka and dealing with life after the Jedi, and refinding her purpose. And in that this arc does that fine. I've rewatched Clone Wars multiple times too now, and I think I'm of the same opinion. The droid arc is fine for a short story, but it goes on way too long, even if it does bring Gregor in; and though I came to accept Jar-Jar more in this series as he is a pure spirit, him teaming up with my least favourite Jedi - even more than Anakin - is one I don't return to either. Thats an excellent strike rate for a 133 episode series though. Rebels is similar with only one episode in its 75 or so episodes, I consider mediocre.


I can see the comparison between Rafa and Han. I’d say that’s fair. Yeah, though not perfect, this arc is enjoyable, and it does a good job of showing where Ahsoka’s at following her departure from the Jedi Order. It does say something I agree that in seven seasons with 133 episodes, it’s only the two arcs that I have any real significant issues with. It says a lot about the quality of the show. Been a while since I've watched Rebels. I’d have to go through it again to assess the episodes of that, though I do love the show. I don’t recall having significant issues with the majority of the episodes.


The jump in animation quality from season 6 to 7 is monumental, but it was 7 years between each season we have to remember. One thing I really love in Ahsoka's design for season 7, is just how much she looks like Rosario Dawson, to tie her up with her live debut later that year. For many though Ahsoka will always be Ashley Eckstein, and its always a joy to hear her back in the role. The more I watch Star Wars these days, the more I look for character focus, over spectacle and action. This is one of these arcs where Ahsoka is a bit lost after her world has collapsed around her (and being a Jedi for 14 years, the vast majority of her life), and has to rediscover her purpose. She has lost her Jedi family in Anakin and Obi-Wan, Barriss betrayed her, as did the High Council, it would be difficult not to feel abandoned and aimless after all that. Hehe one thing these thugs learnt quickly, never mess with Ahsoka! Her telling Trace her older brother taught her, hurts. While I'm not Anakin's biggest fan whatsoever, he was always there for her. I kind of like Rafa's look. You could see she is a bit of a 'scoundrel' and cynical (who wouldn't be in her position?), and doesn't trust anyone outside of Trace with her coldness towards Ahsoka especially. She though, like her sister, is just trying to get by, so doesn't do things by the book so to speak. I personally think she is a bit like Han Solo, always getting up to mischief, but has a good heart deep down. I would not be jumping on the back of a lunatic droid climbing up a wall for anyone. Fair enough for Ahsoka, but Trace is a mere mortal like the rest of us, so no way in hell would I do that! Ahsoka as you guessed, is not wanting to use her force powers, as she just wants to lay low and figure things out. And even in these times, force-users stand out; even on Coruscant you could go your entire life without running into a Jedi. Admiral Yularen making an appearance here, a bit warmer than he is in Andor thats for sure! :P Anakin has his Revenge Of The Sith hairstyle now... Slave labour on Kessel, we've seen that before. Trace and Rafa are getting hooked up in very bad business. The 'Republic' is giving a blind eye to it with the events of the war, and Sidious is more than happy to have slaves in his plans. Just as well the sisters have Ahsoka with them! The Pikes designs are so cool in animation, they look so other-worldly.


Oh I've watched Rebels through around 50 times now, I'm rather obsessed with it (as you might notice with my avatar ;) ) and when I'm not up to much and want a quick Star Wars fix, I tend to flick on a few earlier season episodes of it; over Clone Wars, which I tend to watch in arcs. I don't know if I've said it here, but I personally think Star Wars is in its best guise in animation these days, just with the longer format story-telling and character development they can do here, and with some of the bonkers things our characters can get up to, or go to; that may look a bit off in live action without a film budget.


It has a YT freighter in it Ryan, the only time we see one in the series, so you could pick it from that! :P


The evolution of the animation has been one of the best parts of the show. Though the spectacle and action doesn’t hurt, yeah, as the years go by, there is a greater desire to see a strong character focus. Yeah, regardless of one’s opinion of Anakin, he did always have Ahsoka’s back. I do quite like Rafa’s coat. I love the focus on Kessel. Takes you back to 3PO’s line from A New Hope, “We'll be sent to the spice mines of Kessel, smashed into who knows what!” I also remember there was a video game or two back in the day that touched on the spice mines of Kessel. The Pykes do have a most impressive look.