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The Walking Dead 11x20 Full Reaction

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Yes, it is quite the contrast of this reaction versus your last reaction. I mean I was living for every second of this reaction. I kept quoting the Emperor, saying stuff like, “The hate is swelling in you now.” “I can FEEL your anger.” and especially at the end, I'm quoting the oldie but the goodie from the Emperor, “Good. Use your aggressive feelings, Jess! Let the hate flow through you!” Concerning Pamela, in terms of who I think should be the one to shuffle her off the mortal coil, I’d make a case for any of them to have that honor; I'm not particular. I’m also most agreeable to you saying, “That we should CUT her head off!” or however it was that you said it. I have to say that you said that, and I said, “I like where your head’s at.” When I watched the episode and it was mentioned that Dog was taken, I KNEW that was going to be something that’d make you so mad. You asked about anyone being ok with Eugene sacrificing himself, I’m not ok with Eugene’s sacrificing himself, and I'm not as emotionally invested in the character as you are. That was a most impressive mike-drop that Yumiko pulled on Pamela. Concerning Hornsby, I had a similar moment to you when Hornsby said that Daryl and Carol would have to cut his foot off and you said you were for team cut off his foot. Me, he said about chopping off his foot, and I said, “Anything hot nearby like a blowtorch to cauterize the stump where his foot would be so that he wouldn’t bleed out.” I’m in complete agreement with you being so done with Hornsby when he was quite the Chatty Cathy to Carol. Particularly when he told Carol that she was right to leave Daryl behind, I growled, “Shut the FUCK up you slimy sack of shit.” Yeah, Hornsby’s death scene was very satisfying. My thoughts were first following him getting the arrow to the neck, I complimented Carol by saying, “Excellent shot.” And then when we see the close up of Hornsby choking on his own blood, I deadpanned, “Well, that’s got it done.” By the way, that scene with the walker and its face getting pulled off, I loved that scene. I know you expressed the question of was it necessary, when I saw it, I went, “Oh, ho-ho-ho, that’s so cool!” I loved this reaction, Jess! It was just so fantastic!