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The Walking Dead 11x18 Full Reaction

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Yeah, there was a strong focus on parenting in this episode. That moment with Negan got me, particularly him talking about his dad. I found myself projecting some in that if I had to guess, Negan’s likely older than his dad was when he became a dad, and how Negan’s probably thinking about what his dad thought and felt about becoming a dad compared to his own personal thoughts and feelings. I also got a big kick out of the look on Negan’s face that looked like he was thinking, “Goddamn, Dixon! Good man!” when Daryl stabbed Hornsby. It is as you say there is the dynamic of Daryl being very much like an uncle who’s had to take up the role of a dad when it comes to Judith. I knew the scenes with the gun would get you. I liked how the whole Commonwealth already felt very Bread and Circuses, and in this episode, it felt very prominent. A great moment of the episode when the tape is played of Sebastian going on about how Pamela has played the Commonwealth like a harp from Hell. Probably not a smart idea to get on Mercer’s bad side, I agree. The highlight of your reaction was when Sebastian is killed. I was giggling up a storm at that part of the reaction. Yeah, Sebastian was quite a little shit. His death scene has me saying, “It is only natural. He refuses to stick his neck out for anyone, and a walker takes a hearty bite of his neck.” Yes, the walker princess does earn the title of mvp of the episode. Again, a great reaction, Jess. Haven’t seen the next one yet, but I'm looking forward to it, and your reaction to it.