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Clone Wars 6x07 Full Reaction

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Yeah, Clovis is a slippery sort of character. I’ve not heard much in the way of positive opinions towards the man. I so thoroughly loved your reaction to his grabbing Padmé and holding a gun to her head. To be fair, yes, as you observed, Clovis was in a tough situation. It “wasn’t looking good for the home-team, there” as you put it. Even so, pointing a gun to the wife of a man who has proven could kill him with his bare hands wasn’t exactly the smartest course of action on Clovis’s part. I also really loved your laughing at Anakin saying he couldn’t lift up both Padmé and Clovis. Favorite moment of the episode is when Padmé didn’t even flinch and grabbed the blaster from the droid and pointed it right at Count Dooku who he himself didn’t even bat an eye, used the force to freeze her in place, and then made her shoot and kill Bec Lawise. It was a rather sad moment seeing Commander Thorn’s death. Another story arc where the outcome is favorable to Palpatine, as now he has complete control of the banks. I say he should celebrate and buy himself something nice. Something real big, something, say the size of a small moon. That’d really brighten Palpatine’s year. An additional bonus will be that since Palpatine controls the banks, that means no more money for the Separatists, thus they’ll start to get more and more desperate. A fun thought I have related to that is that the Separatists could ask Dooku for a loan or two, but Dooku will likely toy with the Separatists by claiming not to have the money. And when the Separatists point out to Dooku that, “You’ve got six billion dollars!” Dooku would counter with, “Seven, but things are tight right now.” Again, a most enjoyable reaction to The Clone Wars. Thanks, Jess.


People tend to give Clovis a hard time throughout, and yes he does bring a lot of it on himself; he was clearly an ambitious person who became corrupted early, but in trying to find a sort of redemption here, falls into the claws of Palpatine and his plans to further his control of the Republic. He now has not just the unheard of power granted to him from the senators in the movies, but now has possession of the banks too, solidifying his grip further. We also see how much the vast majority of senators support him come what may, and see just how much they are willing to give up their democracy, to win the war, and in doing so, will be ready to accept the birth of the Empire. I love the music during Palpatine's speech at the end. You can really feel how much power he now has, and that the rise of true evil under his tenure as the Emperor, is only months away now. Pretty dark stuff.


Yeah, the music playing during Palpatine's speech is a nice touch.


I always look out for good music in the shows, and have most of the best stuff from TCW and Rebels (in which the score is even better imo), but for the life of me, I cannot get a version of that piece during Palpatine's speech.


I haven’t come across a version of the piece of music that plays during Palpatine’s speech in this episode either, which is a shame. I too keep an ear open for good music in shows, and yeah, there’s plenty of good stuff in the animated Star Wars shows.