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Andor 1x04 Full Reaction

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It seems like the show is being constructed like four movies that are just split into three parts, kind of like Clone Wars. It's a really neat idea and I hope we see more like it.

Matthew Beckford

Ther should be a tier where we pay you to chill out and relax. (No work allowed!)

Thomas Corp

Lovely to have you back. Yeah, Andor continues to be most impressive. Loved the conversation Luthen had with Cassian about the idea of laying it all on the line for something worth fighting for, which like you said, can be seen as either very heartwarming or heartbreaking depending on how you look at it. Recalls the end of The Great Escape when James Garner’s character asks, “Do you think it was worth the price?” and he receives the response, “Depends on your point of view.” When I watched this, I recognized a lot of the actors from things you had watched previous, and you were on my mind each time. Stellan Skarsgård continues to be outstanding as Luthen. That scene of him with the jewelery and the wiggery was particularly good. It’s great to have Genevieve O'Reilly back as Mon Mothma, and get to explore her character and story during this time period. Particularly the aspect of Mon having to be highly circumspect in her actions and words, even in her own home. She’s not exaggerating when she says she’s being watched pretty much all the time. Evidence of that is her husband, who appears to be an Imperial sympathizer, inviting Ars Dangor and Sly Moore, two of the top people in the Imperial food chain over for dinner. And Mon knows that if the Emperor gets any actual evidence or proof of what she’s up to, he’ll be dusting off a hot seat for her, and her number will be up. Side-note, I laughed when Mon’s husband referred to Sly Moore as being fun. The plotline with Lieutennant Dedra Meero has my attention. Loved her interaction with Major Partagaz I believe his name was, who yes, is played by Anton Lesser who was Qyburn. Underrated character by the way. Karn remains a character to keep an eye on. Plenty of easter-eggs in this episode. Freaked out the most over the mention of the Rakatans. As I see Ryan observed, it became apparent that the structure of the series will be somewhat like four small movies spread across the season, and I'm loving the set-up. I’m with you on just wanting the episodes to keep going. When this one ended, I had a moment where I said, “Aw, why’d th- Ahh! ...Goddamn it, this show has its hooks in me GOOD!!” Like I said, Andor continues to be most impressive. I’m loving that you’re loving it, Jess.


After Ebon Moss-Bachrach was so great in The Punisher five years ago, it's awesome to see the huge way his career has suddenly exploded this year with The Dropout, The Bear, and now Andor.


Mon's husband doesn't strike as an Imperial sympathizer as much as someone who just doesn't care about politics at all, and wants to live his life just having fun no matter who he associates with for it. And the show's contempt for those kinds of people is very much on display. Anton Lesser is also well worth checking out as Prime Minister Harold MacMillan in The Crown, another role totally different to either Qyburn or this one.


Luthen is so cool, being almost like Batman, where he is this vendetta driven vigilante in front of Cassian, but his public image is more Bruce Wayne, where he is playing the innocent art dealer, which gives him access to money, information from powerful clients, and he can give the excuse when not at his dealership, that he is off gathering relics. The ISB mentioning Ryloth and 'anti-Imperial activity' there, which is obviously Cham Syndulla's squad causing a rumpus! Great to see more from Mon Mothma about how the imperials are looking at her very closely, that she is being spied on left, right and centre, how her drivers keep changing, how she is being undermined in the senate, and at home from her husband too, so she has to be on guard all the time, and the is at the end of her tether. The line about the Ghorman's having their shipping lanes closed is interesting; that is a long-term story for Mon Mothma and her being one of the sole voices in the Imperial Senate who gives a damn about it. Cassian (under the pseudonym Clem, who was his step-father) on his first mission under Luthen, and that they need money to fund their missions, as Mon Mothma, Luthen (and you'd think Bail Organa who is the consort of the Queen of Alderaan, who is extremely rich) etc don't have access to the funds they used to with the Empire keeping tabs on them. Will be interesting to see how this heist goes. I have a feeling its not going to go well. I wasn't one to critique the production quality of Book Of Boba Fett or Kenobi; but this show looks STUNNING! The sets, location shots (one here of my very own Highlands as Aldhani!), set dressing and designs, all show the money that was spent on this series, and it shows. Val mentions about the Clearances on Aldhani, and in that location that is done for a reason; it happened in real life in the Scottish Highlands, where crofters who worked the land under landlords, were kicked off their land in the 18th century by landowners, to make way for sheep, as it was more profitable for them. Many of these crofters emigrated to the US. It ended too soon though, a sign of a very good show, where you want to see more!


There is a lot of good British character actors in this show. I remember seeing Alex Lawther, who plays Nemik, in a film called Ghost Stories a few years back, and he played a kid who was terrified he was being haunted by a malevolent spirit, and you could feel the fear coming off him through the screen, so I noted to look out for him. He's just one of many here who are all doing great solid character work, which isn't always the case in Star Wars series or films.