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House of the Dragon 1x06 Full Reaction

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The newly born Joffrey is said to be "kicking like a goat," and then a few minutes later a goat gets burned and eaten by a dragon. I'm sure that's nothing to worry about.


That's David Tennant's son Ty as the teenage Aegon. "Hey dad, I got a role on one of the biggest shows in the world, just like you." "That's great, what kind of things does the character do?" "...Well, now I'm embarrassed to say."

Thomas Corp

Biggest surprise of the episode was seeing Viserys. I saw him and said, “...This man is STILL living?!?” Then I looked him up and down and said, “He looks like a mix of halfway between Smeagol and Gollum and F. Murray Abraham as old Salieri.” I understood exactly what you meant on how it’s great how the show is authentically getting to where it’s gotten. A major highlight of the show going forward is I agree the compelling dynamic of Alicent and Rhaenyra. It’s at this episode that Alicent is most definitely my favorite character of the show. Olivia Cooke has done a phenomenal job in taking over the role from Emily Carey and doing an amazing job in the role herself. I’m not as familiar with Olivia’s work outside of this show, though I have seen her in some stuff. Not Bates Motel, so I don’t have the perspective you have. But yeah, Olivia’s performance is proving phenomenal. Consequently, because Alicent is my favorite, I'm more on her side in this brewing conflict, and this thought is aided by my having far greater empathy for her, though that’s not to say there’s no empathy for Rhaenyra. Specifically, I can feel Alicent’s envy of she’s been dutiful and a rule follower all this time, whereas, as she’s perceived it, Rhaenyra has consistently flouted the rules and traditions time and time again, yet there she receives no consequences and/or noticeable punishment for her actions. I also feel so sorry for Alicent over the insane amount of gaslighting she’s receiving over the parentage of Rhaenyra’s children where the truth is as plain as day, yet no one else will acknowledge it, to the point she’s driven up a wall, practically yelling, “Doesn’t anyone else notice this?! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!” There’s also her paranoia from the seed her dad planted, combined with the fact that Rhaenyra lied to her face and went so far as to swear on her mother whilst telling a lie. Thus, as far as Alicent is concerned, Rhaenyra’s word is only worth two things, Jack, with a side of shit, and Jack skipped town. I agree that it’s hard to see Rhaenyra presently being at a point where she would kill Alicent’s kids, though it does seem probable that she could be pushed to that point. I had a similar reaction that you did when Alicent said that she’d “consider” Rhaenyra’s offer. She said that, and I said, “She’ll consider... Hahaha!” Regarding the question of is Viserys in denial or is he actively looking the other way, I think it’s more the latter, though I think he is in some form of denial, intentional or otherwise. To talk about the matter of how the show has been tackling the subject of birth, yeah, that has been a prevalent topic. I mean, it was discussed some on Game of Thrones. Most prominently, there was Tyrion and how his mother, Joanna died giving birth to him, hence a major reason as to why Tywin and Cersei loathed Tyrion as much as they did. To see these multiple scenes of births and the difficulty of birthing in a medieval setting has been, well, maybe not exactly pleasant, but it has proven narratively intriguing. Another great reaction to this show, Jess. Thank you. And I am sorry that your allergies acted up the way they did.


One part that's really confusing me is they have Rhaenys with perfect Targaryen hair in the show, despite being half-Baratheon (and in the books she does indeed have dark hair), but no one seems to think that's worth pointing out as a hole in the bastard theory. You'd think the much more clear evidence would be how they clearly have no black ancestry.

Thomas Corp

I would assume the change in hair is some simplification of the narrative as well as to remain consistent with the other Targaryen characters. And probably to remove any doubt viewers may have had regarding the paternity of Rhaenyra’s children.