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She-Hulk 1x06 Full Reaction

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This episode gets huge points for subverting one of my most hated cliches (especially coming just two weeks after I had to sit through it in Cobra Kai, in what's otherwise the best season that show has had): the villain shows up in the same public place as the hero, and then does nothing while the hero goes nuts trying to figure out their plan, until they're the one who everyone thinks is the unreasonable one. It's always obvious a mile away and makes the hero look like an idiot, so thank you She Hulk writers for not going there.

Jenny Chalek

I'm so sorry to hear you're getting threats. People on the internet can be so terrible. Thanks for the flurry of new reactions from yesterday to today, just getting caught up with them.

Thomas Corp

As I mentioned on youtube, the second that I realized this was a wedding episode, I became so excited to see your reaction. I loved all of your observations about both the wedding and your own wedding planning experiences. I know what you mean on wishing that there was more normalization on saying no. I mean, it’s like you point out with your story about the bachelorette week, which when I heard you say week, I went, “Week?!” I’m with you on say such an event was with family or very close friends like with your upcoming vacation, that’s one thing. That’s something I'm fine with. When it’s such an event with a group of people that you don’t know, that’s something else, and you draw the line and say no. Luckily, when I'm in certain situations like that with my brother, it’s like how you described with your friend where I make sure that they’re ok with me not participating and/or joining in on certain things. I shared your questioning why Jen would attend the wedding as She-Hulk. Once I heard her reasoning I thought, “Well, I suppose I can understand that. Still seems odd to do that at a wedding of all places. Or at least a wedding that’s not yours.” Small moment that pulled me out of the episode some was the bridesmaids saying that the groomsmen got their shirts wrinkled playing Mario Kart, to which I said, “Groomsmen playing Mario Kart right before a wedding? No tha... that’s no... that’s not a thing. Guys don’t... Guys don’t do that. Or at least weddings I’ve been to that hasn’t been done.” I get they’re exaggerating some with this episode, even then, that moment seemed a little too over the top. As to your asking who wouldn't want to walk the dog down the aisle. I’m sorry to say that I wouldn’t, though in all fairness I'm a cat person myself. Supposing that Jonathan was a cat, I suppose I wouldn’t be opposed to that. The b-plot was hilarious. I got a kick out of David Pasquesi as the immortal guy. Regarding your discussing the ending, it hurts to hear you say that you’ve received harassment, death threats, and stalkers. Though I'm not in the same boat as you are, I agree that ignoring most if not all of it seems the best course of action, though I would imagine that as we continue the show, Jen will be unable to ignore some of the threats. I’d say I agree with your saying that this would be a favorable rewatch show in your downtime. And I completely agree with you don’t want to put on something like say The Haunting of Hill House during your cooking time, because the next thing you know you’ll be crying whilst cooking tacos, which like you said, we can’t have that. I’m continuing to be glad that you’re enjoying this show, Jess. I hope that when you come back from vacation, that the next two episodes will be ones that are particularly good.

Matthew Beckford

Why do I feel like I get more Thomas Corp than Sesskasays?