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Supernatural 6x16 Full Reaction

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Yeah, when you said you were hoping for a more lighthearted episode, or at least lighthearted by Supernatural standards, I felt a pit in my stomach, and yelled, “BALLS!” Start with I liked how the plot of this felt very The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I agree with you on not wanting to lose Rufus. Rufus was a great character, a great foil to Bobby, and to lose him is heartbreaking. Steven Williams has been a character actor that I've been fond of since my introduction to him in The Blues Brothers, and his performance as Rufus is a career highlight. I like how they are vague on what exactly transpired between Bobby and Rufus. Yes, the final scene at the cemetery where Bobby pulls out the bottle of Blue Label and pours one out for Rufus is difficult to watch. It is interesting as you observed there was a measure of peace achieved between Bobby and Rufus through Rufus saying that he would never forgive Bobby, and that was that. I remember you once brought up about forgiveness that one does not have to forgive oneself. I would think that Bobby accepts that perhaps he will be unable to forgive himself. That combined with Rufus refusing to forgive Bobby probably adds to the rather odd measure of peace that the two men reached as it were. Similarly, though not necessarily as sad, I was sorry to lose Samuel, more so because I quite enjoyed Mitch Pileggi in the role. And like you said, there was something to be said about he owned up to what he did and made no apologies for it. Of course, knowing how much you love Bobby for how he’s the best character on the show, (which he is) I won’t begrudge you the substantial animosity you have for Samuel. Dean’s speech at the end was a sweet moment, I agree. Though I wish this was a more lighthearted episode for you to watch, especially as it would have helped lift your spirits whilst recovering from covid, this was a most excellent reaction. I think in terms of a lighthearted episode by Supernatural standards to lift one’s spirits, I’m thinking that one couldn’t ask for a better choice than Weekend at Bobby’s. I think I'd go back to that one the most, Certainly, your reaction to that episode is an instant mood lifter that I've revisited quite a few times now. Like I said, painful though the episode was, your reaction was terrific, Jess.