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Clone Wars 5×15/5x16 Full Reaction

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Well, someone played by Ewan MacGregor in love with a woman named Satine, you had to suspect this was coming. In fact, the show's crew has said that while they always planned to have Maul kill her, they weren't thinking at all of Moulin Rouge when they gave her that name. Though by the time they actually made this episode, enough fans had pointed it out that they deliberately made the scene as similar as possible. And in case the episode wasn't depressing enough, Palpatine's voice actor Ian Abercrombie (probably best known as Mr. Pitt from Seinfeld) died before finishing his lines for the episode, so during the battle against Maul and Savage he's very noticeably replaced by the new actor, none other than Tim Curry.


When you said you were filming Reaction before your break, I thought to myself, "Oh, you should have waited until after your break to do that, because the episodes will be very emotional!" We're near the end of The Clone Wars (29 Episodes) and I'm still having such high hopes that we'll get to enjoy The Bad Batch and Rebels with you as well. All I can say is that (if we disregard the views) you'll probably like Rebels. :D Btw. there is a 3-episode-arc in season 6, if I´m not mistaken, so there will be an One-TCW-Episode-Reaction again soon :D

Jenny Chalek

I'm so sorry that you came up this arc right when you desperately needed a break and were having a hard time. That's the first thing that occurred to me when I started watching and you said this was before your break, because I knew how the arc ended.

Thomas Corp

I am sorry that this ended up being the last thing you filmed prior to your break. I’ll probably split this comment into two parts as I have a lot to say. As I said, this whole arc is my favorite of the series. The first episode of the second half of the arc is great in showcasing Darth Maul and Pre Vizsla’s opposing plans. Vizsla’s primary flaw in his plan is that he underestimates the cunning of the Sith, as well as the power of the Dark Side. That and the fact that Maul recognizes Vizsla’s desire to restore Mandalore to the time when the Mandalorian people once were warriors, and thus, Maul weaponizes the warrior mentality against Vizsla. The duel between Maul and Vizsla is one that is most impressive, and it’s a stunning moment when Vizsla’s head is lopped off, clean as a dandelion head. I really got a kick out of you expressing hatred for the boot-licking shit-heel that is Almec. So much to talk about in the second episode which is my favorite episode of the series. You know that Obi-Wan truly loves Satine if he of all people defies the Jedi Council. I’m frankly astonished that Hell didn’t freeze over when that happened. I love the implication that Anakin hears about the situation and lets Obi-Wan borrow his ship, no questions asked. Much as I was looking forward to your reactions to this arc, I was simultaneously dreading when we got to the moment where Darth Maul murders Satine. No matter how many times I've seen the episode, that scene is a dagger straight to the heart. Upon seeing your reaction to it, in between the tears I'm saying, “Yup. I was not prepared for this at all. I knew it. This hurt infinitely more than I thought it would, and I already knew it would be a rip my heart out level of pain.” Though I don’t have Satine ranked as high on my favorites list as you do, I agree with everything you said about why you love her. As you say, even though her pacifistic beliefs may not be the smartest course of action, she remains steadfast in those beliefs, and shows a truly remarkable display of integrity. In your reaction to the first half of the arc, you mentioned the desire to jump through the screen and smack Darth Maul upside the head. Say you could confront Darth Maul. I wouldn’t blame you if you spat in his face, clawed his eyes out, and/or subjected him to whatever violence you deemed appropriate. I would say you have carte blanche to give Maul a swift kick straight to the balls however many times as your heart desired, though unfortunately, Obi-Wan already deprived Maul of those which is half the reason this whole mess started in the first place. I’m pleased that Satine and Bo-Katan being sisters was not spoiled for you. To the best of my recollection that information was not mentioned in either The Mandalorian or The Book of Boba Fett.

Thomas Corp

Now we come to probably the primary reason why the last episode of this arc is my favorite of the show, and that is that Darth Sidious finally gets in on the action. The episode is ten years old as of this upcoming February, I have seen it many times, and when rewatching it this time I found myself paraphrasing Thanos by saying, “Fun really isn't something one considers when witnessing Darth Sidious unleash his unlimited power. But this... does put a smile on my face.” The lightsaber duel between Sidious, Maul, and Savage is my favorite of the series. Sidious utterly dominating the brothers, his killing Savage, and how effortlessly he does so, it recalls a line from Knights of the Old Republic II which was, “The extent of his power cannot be put into words, and his perceptions have grown as well. To him, you are dust motes in a storm, a grain upon the beach, and as insignificant as a body that orbits the graveyard of Malachor.” As I see Ryan commented, Ian Abercrombie who has been the voice of Sidious/Palpatine in this showed died over a year before this episode aired, and this ended up being one of his final performances as the beloved Sith Lord. Sad though it is, I find it great that he was able to have at least one opportunity to really let loose as Sidious for his final episode. Regarding the final scene, when I saw it the first time, it seemed that we would see the death of Darth Maul, and it would be for real this time. It therefore ended up being a terrifying moment when Sidious says (and that last line is Tim Curry providing the voice, by the way) that he won’t kill Maul as he has other uses for him. I also want to give a shout-out to Kevin Kiner’s score for this arc, particularly he music he composed for the climactic lightsaber duel is my favorite piece of music that he composed for the series. And again, I love the utilization of the John Williams themes, here the great use of The Imperial March, and the superb presentation of The Emperor’s Theme. Regarding the question you had of was the last episode of this arc a reason why fans such as me were advising you to hold off on reacting to the Obi-Wan show, without confirming or denying anything that happens in the Obi-Wan show, I will say that yes, this episode was a MAJOR concern of mine going into the Obi-Wan show. Your reactions to this arc were so superb and are some of my favorites of your Clone Wars reactions, if not my favorites! They were more than worth the wait and exceeded every single expectation that I had! I thank you so much for these wonderful reactions, Jess! They were so amazing!


Satine hasn't been mentioned at all in the live action shows, which are very cleverly written so that you don't need to see Clone Wars or Rebels to be able to follow them with a sense of who characters like Bo Katan and Ahsoka are.


You know what, Rebels is my favourite Star Wars show, but it never reaches the level of awesomeness of the Lawless episode here in Clone Wars; it is a tour-de-force on the senses. Astonishing stuff. I love that Obi-Wan realises he is on the precipice here and can't give in, even if its for the love of his life. And in the end, that is why he'll become 'more powerful than you can possibly imagine' and angry emo boy Anakin, becomes a self-pitying angry cyborg. Seeing all the chaos this brings to Mandalore shatters the last remnants of Satine's dreams for their world, and she's right, it will bring around its near extermination. This is also a microcosm of the machinations of the Sith throughout the galaxy, that good people will inevitably get swallowed up by the evil rising here. I told you on Youtube Sesska that you are going to love and hate Maul, as we knew all about shenanigans like this! Here though he is ambitious Sisyphus, getting his comeuppance, as Zeus comes down from Mount Olympus to deal with him.


On Ian Abercrombie, what a send off for him though, its one hell of an episode. Tim Curry is great, but he's not a great Palpatine in all honesty.


I think she'll like Rebels, its personally my favourite Star Wars show, and that droid in my avatar in it, may even rival C3P0 for Sesska's affections!!


I do love in the first episode that Viszla is clearly a very capable fighter, even with the Darksabre, which we've seen non-force-users struggle with. And that Maul doesn't rely on the force, to prove to the Death Watch, that he is the better fighter for them to go with. Bo-Katan sees him for what he is though, selfish, and does not bother about Mandalore, hence her world gets rocked when Pre Viszla gets decapitated and Maul assumes power.


Thats cool about the music you think is Kiner's best work on the show. I personally love his stuff with the last arc of season 6 and the final arc in season 7 the most. Him and his team's magnum opus though imo, is Rebels, the music in that is astonishingly good in almost every episode.

Thomas Corp

The fact that Darth Maul never relies on the force during his duel with Vizsla is my favorite part of that duel. Pure skill against skill alone. To Vizsla’s credit, like you observed he showed himself a capable fighter if he was able to go toe-to-toe with Darth Maul.

Thomas Corp

Yeah, Kiner’s work in seasons six and seven is phenomenal as well. I just have preference for his work in this arc I suppose. And yeah, his work in Rebels is thoroughly outstanding. I’m particularly fond of his music for the end of the second season of Rebels.


Yeah, its a while since I've seen the duel through and it goes on for quite a while, really showing that Viszla was indeed a strong fighter for them to follow. Its a good moment for Sesska now though, to know that Maul is now a wielder of the Darksabre since that has a story all of its own these days!


Yep the music in that episode is brilliant I know the piece you are meaning the most though; I have both versions of it (the one that aired and the unused alternative) in my soundtracks, lol! Sooo good!

Thomas Corp

For me, the shot that really stands out regarding the death of Satine’s dream is when the transport doors open, and Obi-Wan sees the battle in progress, the chaos and carnage. And how you can just see Obi-Wan's heart break all over again for all that Satine wanted to achieve, and that all her dreams are now tragically destroyed.


Yes thats exactly the moment I am referring to as well. The Mandalorians are on a course for destruction by reverting to old ways, and its just sad that it didn't take all that much for Satine's hopes to die with her.


And she’s already seen The Mandalorian, so she knows it somehow gets into Bo Katan’s hands eventually.