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Just in case anyone didn't watch the full update video (I don't blame you!) There will be no Star Trek this week but the reactions will resume once I am back from break. You will however be getting the Hamilton and Beauty and the Beast reactions on time. Thanks to any and all who are being supportive of me taking care of myself. You are the best. 



Big hugs and positive vibes your way ❤️❤️❤️

Josef Schiltz

Hey Jess. Bless you! Take all the time you need. Spend some time on yourself and we'll all be here - telepathically of course, from across the pond in the UK in Constable Country, where sometimes the internet does work! Scotty: "Ahhh! The Internet! . . . How quaint!"

Chris Fone

Oh I'm sorry to hear this, get well soon Jess xxx

Josef Schiltz

Hi Jess. I hope you can just put a little update as to how you are. I hope you are feeling better with the rest. We're all concerned about how you are getting on. I know how it is with burn out and how it can affect the general outlook on things. It's hard to maintain the siege wall when so much is happening. I just hope that you're coping. Take good care of yourself as much as you can. Seeing your videos helped me enormously when I was in the throes of PTSD and I wish that I could return the favour somehow. All I can do is write this and hopefully channel some positive energy across from England. Best wishes as always.