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Classic Who - "The Ark in Space" Part 3/4 Full Reaction

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Azmat Mahmood

The beginning of the Hinchcliffe/Holmes era and boy do they start off strong, The Ark in Space is an absolute classic! It has an unrelentingly grim tone unlike anything we've seen before, certainly since season 7 at least, which sets the tone for the rest of the Hinchcliffe/Holmes era. The focus on the body horror and psychological torment Noah/Lazar goes through is extremely disturbing and highly effective. it makes you forget he's just wearing green bubble wrap on his hand! I love the worldbuilding explaining why and how the humans ended up on this ark and cryogenically froze themselves, how human society this far into the future works and the backstory of why the Wirrn want to take over the ark and why they want to destroy humans. it's all so detailed and helps to give this story depth and texture. This might seem like another classic 'base under siege' story from the Troughton era, but it's so much more than that. Don't get me wrong, I love most of those Troughton 'base under siege' stories, but this is an entirely new twist on the genre. It's all capped off by that strangely poignant ending with Noah/Lazar's last shred of humanity saving the day. Proving the Doctor's "humans are indomitable" speech right. Speaking of the Doctor, Tom Baker is an absolute revelation in this story. He was highly entertaining in the previous story, but there wasn't much nuance or depth to his performance. That all changes here. Right from the get-go, he has a sense of wonder and excitement to explore unlike anything we've seen previously, but he's also impatient and quick to snap at his companions if he feels they're behaving recklessly. As much he loves to explore, he's also keenly aware of the dangers of the universe, and this gives his performance a gravely serious, brooding edge when required. Despite that though, he's willing to jump headfirst into that danger with a beaming smile on his face. His reactions to certain things and the way he talks makes him feel like a true alien, a complete outsider. The "humans are indomitable speech" is the prime example of this, he really feels like a higher being admiring the ingenuity of these puny little humans. Every Doctor is mercurial and unpredictable to a certain extent, but none more so than the fourth Doctor. The crazy thing is, this is only Tom's second story. He's going to get even better....

Ian Smith

I don't feel there's much danger of Harry supplanting Mike Yates in Jess' affections :) This is a story I remembered fondly from my childhood (watching through my fingers.) Looking at it now,although the plot is extremely good,the quality of the F/X can't help being anything other than unintentionally amusing. It's a shame,because I feel that this is a story that would be good to recommend to fans unfamiliar with the Classic series...if it weren't for the fact that much of the material would be more likely to provoke mirth!


If you're wondering about the oddly open ending, this story was originally going to be a six-parter, but then they considered how so many of Pertwee's six part stories ended up feeling too long and padded, so they decided to do a tighter four-parter and then throw in a two-parter after it, though they still have this unusually direct connection as an effect of the original plan.


Hello all! First time posting here. I grew up with Tom Baker and he is my all time favorite doctor. Watched every episode at least 15 times or more. I'm also a big fan of the 3rd and 5th doctor as well. Just a little FYI, not sure how many of you know this or not. A lot of the DVDs have an "Optional CGI effects" where you can actually watch the story with upgraded special effects. Ark in Space is one of them. :D