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Star Trek 2x13 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

This episode is a particularly good one. It’s very interesting seeing Kirk contending with obsession in hunting down his white whale. Or as Chekov described it, the whatever it is. It is great as you described that you could understand both sides of the argument, and that though Kirk is behaving a trifle irrational, his reasoning is not devoid of merit. But as you also pointed out, were the Enterprise not carrying medical supplies of most vital importance, Kirk’s argument would hold more water. And as you noted, the number of things they don’t know about the cloud far outweighs the things they do know. Loved the moments of Spock and Bones holding Kirk to task for his possibly becoming unfit for command, and saying, “We’re talking about drawing a line in the sand. Across this line, you DO NOT!!” Another great moment is when Nurse Chapel was not fucking around. Your reaction to that was my favorite moment of the reaction, as was your bopping your head to the dramatic music, which reminds me of myself. The whole concept of the guilt one would feel over hesitation is relatable. And it is great how Spock uses logic to help Kirk and Garrovick look the truth in the face by observing that even if they didn’t hesitate, it wouldn’t have changed anything. That moment where Bones apologizes and says he was wrong, I hear that and say, “No. I don’t think that’s accurate to say.” Regarding your criticism of the ending, as someone who’s had dealings with perishable medicine, it could be possible that the medicine was ok by the end of the episode. Speaking from experience of the medicine being delivered to my house and subsequently having to store it properly, it was packaged with highly effective icepacks. So, when I’m watching the episode, I’m imagining the Enterprise has something similar to prevent the vaccines from becoming spoiled. Assuming the time-sensitive nature of the vaccines was that they had to be kept cold. It may not be likely that the medicine wasn’t damaged, but it’s not impossible. Of course, your greater issue, and I agree was the lackadaisical manner in which they said “Now, let’s get back to delivering the medicine.” or however it was they said it rather than treating the situation with the urgency that they were treating it the rest of the episode. As you say, if they suddenly act like they had all the time in the world, it just defeats the purpose of the moral conundrum. Grim though it would have been, I also agree that it would have carried greater weight if Kirk’s actions had cost lives, and by extension, seeing what repercussions Kirk would have faced as result of said deaths. This was a most excellent reaction, Jess. Regarding the construction that was being done next door to you, the noise from it was noticeable, but not terribly obtrusive, and did not hinder my enjoyment of as I said this most excellent reaction. Thanks again, Jess.


This is the episode that really solidified the whole "Red Shirt" trope with the fans. It's the most who are ever killed in a single episode, with six, and once the number gets that high it's just impossible to ignore how these guys' sole purpose is to get killed to show how dangerous the villain is.